EPR Configuration AnalystinDudleyinDudleyPUBLISHED WED 13 DEC 2023

Band 6: £37,338 to £44,962 a year Per Annum  PERMANENT 

Please refer to the attached job description for full details of the main duties and responsibilities that the post holder is required to undertake.

The IT Department is responsible for delivering Information Technology to the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust. In addition, IT is responsible for delivering revenue generating IT services to other NHS organisations and private enterprises involved in the delivery of healthcare. IT supports approximately 10,000 users and services are delivered from two datacentres.

The post holder will have acute or equivalent sector healthcare and/or medical/nursing/pharmacy/radiology/other Allied Health Professional (AHP) experience with excellent organisational skills and experience in robust quality management systems.

This is an exceptional opportunity for applicants to build upon or start a career in clinical informatics. Previous experience in healthcare information technology (HIT) is not essential, although a reasonable level of IT literacy is required. Experience in using electronic health IT systems is highly valuable. The successful candidate will exhibit problem solving skills, an interest in evidence-based practice and a can-do attitude.

The Clinical Configuration Analyst will be an experienced professional; their primary responsibility is to work as part of the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Configuration Team and programme leadership to manage the delivery of clinical configuration and validation activities for healthcare IT systems at DGFT.


Locations are approximate. Learn more