Housekeeper/ CookinSheffieldinSheffieldPUBLISHED MON 18 DEC 2023

Band 2: Depending on experience Pro Rata  PERMANENT 

Job purposeTo provide and maintain a high standard within the Ward Environment insupport of good quality patient careTo provide and maintain a high standard of cleanliness on the Ward.To prepare and provide a ward catering serviceGeneral requirementsTo cooperate with the Senior Housekeeper and work as part of a team.To undertake other duties as may be delegated by the SeniorHousekeeper and/or Ward Manager.

Principal dutiesSupporting Patient CareIn undertaking day to day cleaning duties within patient areas, to monitorfor signs of deterioration of patient hygiene and day to day living skills andadvise staff accordingly.

Together with Nursing Staff undertake day to day cleaning duties withinpatient areas, seek cooperation of and to encourage patients to maintainappropriate self care needs and levels of responsibility for the tidiness ofbedroom areas.

To ensure that meals are provided on a day to day basis in line with thestandard Ward menus, ensuring that patient choice and preferences areaccommodated.

To undertake day to day interactions with patients, relatives and visitors in a professional manner as a member of the Ward Team.

To ensure all waste and dry linen is quickly and securely removed from the immediate Ward environment in line with operational policies/procedures.

To ensure the delivery of clean linen is secured and appropriately stored.

To ensure appropriate linen supplies are available and provided to patientson a day to day basis, identifying shortfalls and taking necessary action toaddress.

To ensure that the dining facilities are well presented and laid out, insupport of good patient experience and that beverage areas aremaintained at all times in terms of provisions and cleanliness.Ward CleanlinessTo provide for the full range of general cleaning of all areas within theWard, following work schedules and procedures.

To ensure products, equipment and materials are used appropriately andin the correct manner to ensure safe cleaning and the best results.

Monitor the use of cleaning materials and store items. To ensure adequate stock levels remain available, identifying the need to re-stock with the Senior Housekeeper.

As and when indicated or required to respond to immediate need to cleanidentified areas reprioritising effectively pre planned duties.

To ensure relevant and appropriate records are maintained in relation tocleaning schedules and to enable the ongoing monitoring of Catering Services

In compliance with menus, the preparation, cooking of patients meals.

To ensure that existing arrangements to identify and promote daily menus and patient choices are adhered to.

To ensure that food and beverages are presented and servedappropriately for the benefit of patients.

To ensure that food items are prepared, and made available to patients inline with the Trust policies and procedures relating to monitoring oftemperature, cooking times and quality control.

To ensure required provisions are available on a day to day basis in linewith agreed menus and day to day needs/requests.

To ensure that all food items are appropriately and safely receivedaccounted for and stored within designated facilities in line Trustprocedures.

To ensure relevant and appropriate records are maintained in relation tokitchen cleanliness, temperature monitoring and stock control to enableongoing service monitoring.

Health & SafetyTo carry out duties having due regard for Food Hygiene, Health and Safetyand COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) legislation.

To ensure existing arrangements for the safe storage, removal anddisposal of household and clinical waste are maintained and followed.

To adhere to existing arrangements for monitoring of water temperature toprevent the development of legionella bacteria within the Ward.

Promptly report all defects, breakages and incidents relating to the work area.

To be aware of the Wards Personal Safety Plan and apply in day-to-daypractice.

To attend training and retraining sessions regarding Food Hygiene, Healthand Safety and Fire, etc.

To participate in arrangements for supervision, and personal development reviews.

An opportunity has arisen for an individual to join our enthusiastic and motivated ward team. The post holder will be expected to work as part of a team to achieve high standards of cleanliness. They will be expected to contribute to changes in working as part of a changing and progressing service. As part of a team they will strive to give service users a positive experience of their time within the ward environment.

You should have a Food Hygiene Certificate or be willing to undertake relevant training to complete certification, show excellent communication skills be flexible & demonstrate an adaptable approach to work.

Previous experience is desirable but not essential.

Principal duties will include:

  • Maintaining a high standard of a wide range of housekeeping tasks on the Ward

  • Preparation and Serving of food.

  • Completing appropriate monitoring documentation

  • To carry out duties with regard to Health & Safety, Food Hygiene Legislation

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