Professional Leadership and Development
- Identify, contribute to, or lead on the development and dissemination of evidence-based guidelines, standards and protocols as required.
- Develop and maintain required specialist clinical skills in the assessment and treatment of patients with endocrine and related conditions.
- Attend annual appraisal to discuss and identify training and development needs as part of a Personal Development Plan.
- Support other specialist nursing colleagues in their continuous professional development including peer and clinical supervision.
- Update and maintain own clinical knowledge and competence by attending post education courses, mandatory training, study days, workshops and conferences to keep up to date with best clinical practice.
- Maintain regular links with other Endocrine Specialist Nurses at both local and national level.
- Lead on and contribute to the development of agreed protocols, integrated care pathways, standards and audit tools that monitor practice.
- Be competent with ESR and line management systems as required
- Support the Diabetes Nurse Consultant in areas of line management when required including appraisal, complaints handling, serious investigation reporting, risk assessment and staff development and peer review as appropriate.
- Lead, participate and contribute to regular MDT and clinical supervision sessions as and when required
- Ensure compliance with specific endocrinology protocols, standards and clinical paperwork including patient experience satisfaction and diabetes/endocrinology related surveys.
- Undertake and provide telephone consultation/support as appropriate to patients and health care professionals.
- Support with the completion of any relevant Diabetes/Endocrine Annual Specialist Service Reports.
- Support with the Diabetes/Endocrine Annual Quality Ward Round (QWR)
- Support and maintain information on the diabetes/endocrine intranet/internet to ensure that information if updated and relevant to support primary care professionals and patients.
Education & Training
- Provide specialist knowledge, advice and support to colleagues, health care professionals, patients, carers and relatives around endocrine related conditions.
- Lead and contribute to the multidisciplinary education and training provision/programme for health care professionals involved in caring for patients with endocrinology across organisational boundaries.
- Develop co-ordinate and participate in endocrinology education and training programmes and evaluate their effectiveness, supporting junior members of staff as needed.
- Raise awareness of endocrinology and related conditions through health promotion activities and organised events throughout the trust and wider community.
- Provide support and education to patients, allowing them to develop self-management skills as appropriate to their endocrine condition.
- Provide verbal and written advice to patients and carers with endocrine conditions, around care management as required in hospital and in preparation for discharge.
- Facilitate an appropriate learning environment for students and junior staff providing direct supervision, mentorship, training and evaluation to students and new starters within the trust.
- Participate in regular clinical education sessions within the diabetes/endocrine unit.
Research, Audit and Governance
- Adhere to policies, procedures and protocols relevant to endocrinology demonstrating understanding of evidence based care, including where to obtain evidence.
- Conduct/participate in national and local audit related to endocrinology evaluating and implementing best practice as appropriate.
- Will lead and participate in research projects alongside senior members of the MDT.
- Will lead and participate in audit projects relevant to clinical area and practice.
- Will support junior members of the team with research and audit as appropriate.
- Attend local, national meetings and conferences to network and share best practice.
- Ensure specialist nursing practice is evidence based and reflects audit and research outcomes.
- Maintain clear concise, legible and contemporaneous patient records at all times in line with Trust policy and the Standard for Recording Keeping.
- Have an understanding of internal and external assessments such as CQC, COSHH, and NHSLA.
- Participate in the implementation of initiatives to improve adult diabetes care and support practice development to ensure a high quality service.
- Communicate effectively with all members of the diabetes and endocrinology multi-disciplinary team.
- Establish and maintain continuing relationships with patients, cares and relatives which are essential to providing effective long term care.
- Support patients and their families communicating sensitive condition related information and ensure they receive required information to enable them to participate in their care delivery
- Support patients and their families during diagnosis of endocrine conditions and treatment ensuring understanding of their condition and any related complications
- Engage with patients and carers to gain views on service delivery and development
The Endocrine Nurse Specialist will work as a senior member of the Diabetes and Endocrine Multi-Disciplinary Team providing endocrinology nursing expertise to patients and health care professionals at MWL Trust. They will be seen as a clinical expert in the area of endocrinology and play an integral role in the service development and quality initiatives relating to the endocrine service.
They will act as an autonomous practitioner providing expert nurse led care to patients and will be expected to advise secondary and primary care clinician's in all areas of endocrinology including complex endocrine patients. They will maintain links across organisational boundaries, acting as a source of specialist knowledge working within agreed protocols and guidelines.
Key Duties (Clinical)
- Autonomously, assess triage and diagnosis endocrine conditions and review those with longstanding endocrine conditions, including complex patients as outpatients and inpatients, recommending or initiating appropriate treatment within agreed protocols and guidelines.
- Independently order, undertake, interpret and act upon diagnostic tests and results for endocrinology patients.
- Be proficient in venepuncture and cannulation.
Manage, lead and report on key areas within the endocrine service maintaining regular audit and updates on service development at appropriate Governance Meetings and relevant reporting bodies or appropriate agencies as needed.
- Assess, plan, co-ordinate, implement and evaluate evidence-based endocrinology care in conjunction with relevant health care professionals.
- Liaise and support primary and secondary care clinicians in relation to management of endocrine clinical care and management.
- Develop, undertake and manage clinical telephone support clinics and the endocrine support line, patient education sessions relating to endocrine conditions and medication titration.
- Participate in nurse led clinics using relevant protocols whilst exercising judgement, discretion and decision making in clinical care.
- Be proficient in assessing and prioritising internal and external referrals for endocrine condition