Locum Care of the Elderly ConsultantinBodelwyddaninBodelwyddanPUBLISHED SAT 16 DEC 2023

Candidates are encouraged to refer to the attached Job Description and Person Specification for further information

The Geriatric Medicine / Care of the Elderly (COTE) services in Glan Clwyd Hospital are based on two 24-bedded COTE wards (Wards 1 & 2). 12 beds in ward 14 offers all elements of acute stroke care, including 24/7 out-of-hours stroke thrombolysis and access to a thrombectomy service. Stroke rehabilitation is undertaken in the Stroke Specialist In-patient Rehabilitation Unit (SSIR) in the Llewelyn Ward in Llandudno General Hospital. The acute stroke service is facilitated by 3.5 Stroke Specialist Nurses. TIA clinics are held 4 days a week. The orthogeriatric service is supported by a consultant geriatrician and the specialist doctor in COTE in liaison with a middle-grade doctor and a Physician Associate working in liaison with the orthopaedic department. The Consultant Physicians in Geriatric Medicine in Glan Clwyd Hospital have responsibility for managing inpatient services at 3 community hospitals: Colwyn Bay Hospital, Denbigh Infirmary and Holywell Community Hospital

  • Provide Consultant input to 10-12 beds in a 24-bedded COTE ward (Ward 1) in Glan Clwyd Hospital along with other consultant colleagues based in that ward. The ward is supported by 1 SpR, 1 GP trainee, 1 IMT and 2 FY doctors.
  • Attend the ward's Board Rounds to discuss patient's management and discharge plans along with the junior doctors and multi-disciplinary team.
  • Outpatient clinics / specialty clinic: A standard template will include 2 new and 5 follow-ups.
  • Have continuing responsibility for the care of patients under their care in liaison with Consultant colleagues, allowing for proper delegation to, and training of staff. The post holder, in liaison with Consultant colleagues, will have responsibility for the proper functioning of the department in line with the operational policy/Strategic Plan of COTE and BCUHB.
  • Participate in a 1:18 acute medical on-call rota with prospective cover (1 additional DCC) and post-take ward rounds. The ward's Consultant Physician teams look after medical patients admitted to the medical wards. The post holder will be expected to act as Educational or Clinical Supervisor for junior medical staff assigned to them, over seeing their training and offering advice for doctors regarding their careers, within the guidelines of the specialist bodies and the Royal Colleges

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