Health and Wellbeing CoachinNewhaminNewhamPUBLISHED FRI 1 DEC 2023

£29,000 to £35,000 a year  PERMANENT 

Band 5 Equivalent

You will work in partnership with your clinical and non-clinical colleagues across the PCN to ensure the role delivers the best possible outcomes for our patients.

You will work closely with other members of the Social Prescribing Team to identify individuals and groups who would benefit from your support.

The role is varied, and may include supporting self-management education, peer support, case management and facilitating group consultations.

You will take an approach that is non-judgemental, based on strong communication and negotiation skills. You will support personal choice and positive risk taking, while ensuring that patients understand the accountability of their own actions and decisions. Your role and skills will support and encourage the prevention of developing further illness, or the deterioration of existing long-term conditions.

Health and wellbeing coaches will:

  • Coach and motivate patients through multiple sessions to identify their needs, set goals, and support them to implement and achieve their personalised health and wellbeing objectives. This will include sitting in consultation with a patient and providing them with advice, guidance, and a management plan that is personalised to their needs. It could include dietetics and healthy eating, lifestyle medicine and getting active, safe activities and personal coaching and motivation.

  • Manage and prioritise your own caseload in accordance with the health and wellbeing needs of the patient population.

  • Ensure all interventions and coaching are designed to empower patients to be active participants in their own healthcare; empowering them to manage their own health and wellbeing and live independently.

  • Support and deliver group consultations, in collaboration with clinical and non-clinical colleagues, implementing new approaches to health across primary care and supporting individuals to access peer support.

  • Work with the Social Prescribing Link Workers and the broader PCN colleagues to connect patients to community-based activities which support them to take increased control of their health and wellbeing.

  • Work with clinical colleagues to identify and provide enhanced support to those who would benefit the most from health coaching.

  • Provide a combination of in person, remote, telephone and video consultation.

Patient Coaching, Care and Support:

  • Provide personalised coaching to patients which supports them to identify and meet their individual lifestyle, health and wellbeing goals.

  • Deliver and facilitate group and peer sessions, including sessions focussed on specific lifestyle medicine approaches and long-term conditions.

  • Tailor health and lifestyle advice effectively to the individual (e.g. adapting physical activities for individuals with mobility issues).

  • Build trust and respect with the person, providing non-judgemental and non-discriminatory support, respecting diversity and lifestyle choices.

  • Work from a strength-based approach focusing on a persons assets.

  • Increase patient motivation to self-manage and adopt healthy behaviours.

  • Work with patients with lower activation scores to understand and increase their level of knowledge, skills and confidence (their Activation level) to manage their own health and wellbeing, and increase their ability to access and utilise community support offers.

  • Be an approachable professional and engaging source of information about health, wellbeing and prevention approaches.

  • Support patients in shared decision-making conversations.

  • Work with the social prescribing team to ensure that individuals can access support to address wider social needs that can impact on their health and wellbeing, such as such as debt, poor housing, being unemployed, loneliness and caring responsibilities.


  • Promote health and wellbeing coaching, its role in self-management, addressing health inequalities and the wider determinants of health.

  • Provide education and specialist expertise to fellow PCN staff, ensuring they are made aware of health coaching and social prescribing services and support colleagues to improve their skills and understanding of personalised care, behavioural approaches, and ensuring consistency in the follow up of peoples goals where an MDT is involved.

  • Raise awareness within the PCN of shared decision making and decision support tools and supporting people in shared decision-making conversations.

  • Engage with and support the new and evolving agendas and service requirements across the PCN, including our work with Care Homes.

  • Build relationships with staff in the GP practices, attending relevant MDT meetings, giving information and feedback on health coaching.

System Responsibilities:

  • Develop and maintain effective relationships with the VCSE sector.

  • Seek regular feedback about the quality of service and impact of health coaching on referral agencies.

  • Be proactive in encouraging equality and inclusion.

  • Develop collaborative relationships and work in partnership with health, social care, and community and voluntary sector providers and multidisciplinary teams to holistically support patients wider health and wellbeing, public health, and contributing to the reduction of health inequalities.

Data capture:

  • Work sensitively with people, families, and carers to capture key information, enabling tracking of the impact of health coaching on their health and wellbeing, including the measures required within the PCN Contract (e.g. PAM measures).

  • Encourage people, families, and carers to provide feedback.

  • Support referral agencies to provide appropriate information about the person they are referring.

  • Provide appropriate feedback to referral agencies about the people they referred.

  • Ensure that the relevant codes are captured and inputted into clinical systems, (as outlined in the Network Contract DES), adhering to data protection legislation and data sharing agreements.

Professional development:

  • Work with your line manager to undertake continual personal and professional development, taking an active part in reviewing and developing roles and responsibilities.

  • Training requirements for the role are currently being developed by NHS England; when these are developed, undertake identified coaching and training as required by the Personalised Care institute.

  • Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, including confidentiality, safeguarding, lone working, information governance, equality, diversity and inclusion training and health and safety.


  • Work as part of the healthcare team to seek feedback, continually improve the service and contribute to business planning.

  • Contribute to the development of policies and plans relating to equality, diversity, and health inequalities.

  • Undertake any tasks consistent with the level of the post and the scope of the role, ensuring that work is delivered in a timely and effective manner. NB: This job description outlines the key duties that are expected of you within the role although is not an exhaustive list. It may be amended in line with experience, business requirements and any future organisational change.

This is an exciting opportunity to join our growing team in South One PCN. The role of Primary Care Network Health and Wellbeing Coach has an essential role in improving the healthcare we provide to our patients.

We are recruiting a Health and Wellbeing Coach to coach and motivate patients in managing their own health and wellbeing to live independently and improve their health outcome.

If you have the drive and desire to be part of a new way of delivering Primary Care in a supportive environment, then we would love to hear from you.

The post holder will work with individual and/or groups of patients to deliver sessions on healthy eating, physical activity and health and well-being to meet personalised care plans.

You will use a holistic approach to promote lifestyle medicine approaches and support patients to address their existing health problems and prevent new ones.


Locations are approximate. Learn more