Waking Night Worker (Children's Home)inHoveinHovePUBLISHED TUE 23 JUL 2024

What The Job Exists To Do

 Remain awake throughout the night and effectively and appropriately care for and keep safe the children and young people looked after and educated by The Lioncare Group, and the adults sleeping-in at the home, whilst gaining the necessary training, knowledge, skills and experiential learning necessary to become a Waking Night Therapeutic Carer.

To achieve this, you will;

 Actively engage in all aspects of the night-time care tasks and domestic duties required of you in the home and the surrounding environment.

 Assist in supporting each child or young person to gain a positive experience of living in a home that can really keep them safe and secure and emotionally comfortable whilst they sleep.

 Where necessary offer and provide a child or young person with the appropriate care, nurture and comfort they require should they wake during the night, feel unwell, experience a night-terror or upsetting dream, or otherwise need the support of a safe adult.

 Actively develop your skills, knowledge, and understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Waking Night Therapeutic Carer through using all opportunities and resources offered to you and at your disposal.

 Give the children in your care and your employing organisation an undertaking to commit to a minimum 2 years' service where this remains in your control to do so.

General Tasks & Responsibilities

  • Carrying out tasks & responsibilities professionally at all times.
  • Working with integrity, honesty, and openness at all times.
  • Informing Managers of all concerns and issues requiring further attention and acting on these where appropriate or where directed to do so.
  • Working at all times in the best interests of the children and young people in our care and ensuring their basic and essential care and learning needs are met.
  • Ensuring positive links are maintained and improved between all areas of The Lioncare Group.
  • Comply with current legislation, regulation, and guidance relating safeguarding and to the provision of care and education for children in residential children's homes and special schools.
  • At all times, liaise in a professional manner and promote effective working relationships & positive links with clients, colleagues, and agencies working for and associated with The Lioncare Group and the wider Community.
  • Undertake delegated tasks and instructions from Line Managers and others with relevant authority, to a level of competence expected from the grade of the post.
  • Attend meetings and all other relevant forums and gatherings and participate and fully engage in the formal process of supervision and performance reviews as appropriate and necessary


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