Social Media Officer – Health Equals
Salary: Upto £37,002 perannumplusexcellent benefits
Contract: Permanent
HoursPerweek: 37.5hoursperweek, you will be required to work in - Person a minimum of two
days per week. Inlinewithourhybrid working model
Our Foundation
Weareanindependentcharitableorganisationworkingtobuildahealthier UK. Healthisourmostprecious asset.Goodhealthenablesustolivehappy,fulfillinglives,fuelsour prosperity, and helps build a stronger society. YetgoodhealthremainsoutofreachfortoomanypeopleintheUKandservicesarestrugglingto provide access to timely, high-quality care. Itdoesn'thavetobelikethis.OurmissionistohelpbuildahealthierUK by:
- Improvingpeople'shealthandreducing inequalities
- Supportingradicalinnovationandimprovementinhealthandcare services
- Providingevidenceandanalysistoimprovehealthandcare policy.
Weaimforexcellenceacrossourworkand willachievethisbyproducingresearchandanalysis, shapingpolicy and practice,buildingskills,knowledge, andcapacity, and actingas acatalystfor change. Everyonehasastakeandaparttoplayinimprovingourhealth.Byworkingtogether,wecanbuilda healthier UK.
Aboutthe Role
The social media Officer supports the Communications and Policy & Membership functions of the Health Equals team with ongoing social media scheduling, delivery, monitoring, and engagement.
The successful candidate will play a crucial role in helping Health Equals to build its online presence and following, supporting its objective to raise awareness of how our health is shaped by ‘the building blocks of health’. As well as driving engagement to our public campaigns, you will lead on creating and curating compelling evidence-based content. Some key accountabilities will be:
Support the Digital Marketing and Brand Manager with day-to-day management of multiple social media channels.
Create innovative and impactful written social media content, tailored across Health Equals social media channels (including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and X. Support the development of engaging digital collateral such as social media cards and video content.
Howto Apply
Our priority is to find the right individual for each opportunity. We are dedicated to building an inclusive workplace that values diversity and invite you to find out more. You can find the job descriptionforthisroleIfyouwouldliketo apply, pleasesubmityourCV,andAnswerthe following application questions :
- Can you provide an example of a social media campaign you have managed that successfully increased engagement and following? Describe the campaign, strategies you used, and the outcomes achieved. (400 words Max)
- Describe a time when you had to handle a negative comment or a social media crisis. How did you address the situation, and what steps did you take to resolve it while maintaining the organisation's reputation? (400 words Max)
- How do you track and analyze social media metrics to assess the performance of content? Can you share an instance where you used these insights to make recommendations for improving engagement and reach? (400 words Max)
OurcommitmenttoInclusionand Diversity
We are committed to an inclusive hiring process, where every candidate has the chance to showcase their unique skills and experience in an accessible, and supported environment, to ensure that we can make the best appointment for each job on merit. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds andencourage those from underrepresented groups in this field to apply to us.
We have identified three diverse groups, In particular, we want to achieve a better balance across our organisation between men and women, increase representation of people from blackandethnicminoritybackgrounds and recruitmore people withdisabilities. Aspartofthis commitment, we particularly welcome applications from these groups. Applytojoinourteamandlet'sworktowardsbuildingadiverseandinclusiveworkplace together.
If you require any support through this process, please contact Helpusworktogethertomaketherecruitmentprocessand potential future employment more accessible and enjoyable for you.
Closingdate: 19 January 2025 , 23:59
Interviewdate: W/C 27 January 2025
- Candidates will be contacted from the closing date onwards. And Interviews will include a copywriting test.