Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Member Appointment inGlasgow inGlasgow PUBLISHED FRI 18 OCT 2024

Job Description

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is the national improvement organisation within the health and social care landscape. The organisation’s core purpose is to enable the people of Scotland to experience the best quality of health and social care with a specific focus on safety. Our aim is to secure lasting, positive, and sustainable improvements across the whole health and care system.


We are uniquely placed to identify the connections and opportunities created by system wide working and collaborate with other national health boards to deliver a relentless focus on the safe delivery of effective care. HIS combines a range of statutory duties and other functions including quality assurance, regulation, service redesign and strategic planning, evidence, standards, guidelines and community engagement. Our support for the system is underpinned by a number of statutory duties and powers, including:

  • to further improve the quality of health and care
  • to provide information to the public about the availability and quality of NHS services
  • to support and monitor public involvement
  • to monitor the quality of healthcare provided or secured by the health service
  • to evaluate and provide advice to the health service on the clinical and cost effectiveness of new medicines and new and existing health technologies

Health and social care in Scotland is facing exceptional demands. We have continued to support a system that is under substantial pressure. The legacy of COVID-19, combined with a tough financial environment and winter pressures means our health and social care system faces a wide range of complex problems.

We are committed to being a visible, dependable, trustworthy, and proactive partner in supporting the recovery and renewal of our health and social care system which is so critical at this time and in the post-pandemic world. To do this we work closely with over 100 different partners and our colleagues who deliver health and care and do our best to support them and focus our strengths and resources on addressing challenges to secure positive, sustainable change in the health and care system.

You can find out more about Healthcare Improvement Scotland including our current strategy by visiting: .

If you are looking for a rewarding and worthwhile opportunity, we would like to hear from you.  Applications are invited from a wide range of people who have an interest in public service and are committed to the NHS in Scotland. Please pass on details of this opportunity to anyone else you think may be interested.

As a non-executive member of our Board, you will have a key role in supporting the delivery of the organisation’s strategic direction in addition to contributing to scrutinising performance, and discharging governance and accountability functions. You will be offered the training you need to make a strong contribution.


We value very highly the benefits of having different experience and points of view on our Boards and we are keen that people from all walks of life apply for public appointments. We welcome applications from candidates who identify as disabled, part of a minority ethnic group, part of the LGBT+ community and people aged under 50.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland is holding an online Information Session about the role on Thursday 17 October at 5pm, via MS Teams. If you would like to attend, please contact our office at , and we will provide you with a link to join the meeting.

NHS Scotland’s values are at the heart of everything that this organisation does. These values are: care and compassion; dignity and respect; openness, honesty and responsibility; and, quality and teamwork and guide the work of the Board in all that it does.  As a member of this Board, you will not only need to have the right skills, knowledge and experience for the role, but also be able to demonstrate behaviour aligned to these values.

We Have Identified a Specific Priority Criterion As This Is Of Particular Importance To Our Board At This Time.  This Means That You Must Be Able To Show That You Meet The Priority Criterion Below To Be Considered

  • An experienced senior leader from the private or public sectors who can bring robust challenge, fresh thinking, sound judgement and political acumen. Someone with Board level or equivalent experience gained in any one of or a combination of the following areas: Strategic leadership skills, financial planning and corporate communications.

In addition to the values highlighted above you will need to be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Ability to Challenge
  • Decision Making Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Influencing Skills

For more specific detail of the particular requirements of the role, please see the Person Specification, which forms part of the Applicant Information Pack .


Remuneration and time commitment: You will be paid a daily rate of £173.66 (non-pensionable) for a time commitment of four days per month. Reasonable expenses incurred will be reimbursed. 

 Location:  Board and Committee meetings are held using a mixture of in-person and virtual format meetings. In person meetings are usually held in either our Glasgow or Edinburgh offices but may on occasion be held elsewhere throughout Scotland. Therefore there is a requirement to attend a number of in-person sessions each year and a physical presence will be required on occasion to be able to carry out the full range of Board activities.

 Interviews:  Interviews will be held on 21 and 22 November 2024 at Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9EB

Appointments are non-pensionable.

The closing date for applications is 31 October 2024.

How To Apply

  • Download the Applicant Information Pack . This will explain more about the role, the board and the application process.
  • You will be asked to demonstrate evidence of meeting the criteria listed above. Look at the candidate information pack to understand more about each criteria and for advice about what to include in your eviden


Locations are approximate. Learn more