The post holder will provide direct patient care to people in their home who are acutely mentally ill. The post holder will be responsible for the rapid response to referrals, face to face assessment and gate keeping of admissions to hospital and facilitating discharge from in-patient services once the risk to the individual or others has decreased. The post holder will also be expected to undertake urgent front line assessments from GPs and other referrers and make clinical decisions around appropriate care pathways.
The post holder will need to demonstrate excellent risk assessment skills whilst also applying a holistic approach to assessing the health and social needs of people experiencing severe and enduring mental illness.
Additionally, the post holder will be responsible for referring and signposting to secondary mental health services, or alternative statutory or non-statutory agencies, and will be required to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
The Band 6 work closely with the people who use our services, families, friends and carers and play an important contribution in how people experience our services. The Band 6 are expected to be kind and responsive but professional and informative and contribute to the quality of the services we provide.
For further information, please see attached Job Description
We are seeking applications for a Band 6 Mental Health Practitioner post, from experienced candidates who are currently registered with a healthcare professional body, have post-qualification experience in mental health, can demonstrate excellent assessment, risk management and communication skills with the ability to deliver high quality person-centred care.
The post holder will contribute to service developments, service evaluation and clinical projects and there is opportunity to develop skill in a range of evidence based therapeutic approaches over a 24/7 shift pattern including weekends and night duty
CNWL Milton Keynes are undergoing an innovative transformation of community mental health services which includes the development of a new Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team to provide rapid response assessments and home treatment as an alternative to admission for people experiencing mental health crisis. Referrals to this service can be made by anyone concerned about a person's mental health and may include the individual themselves, carers, relatives, GPs, police, paramedics or other health professionals. The service also ensures effective gatekeeping of all service users referred for admission to hospital.
The multi-professional team aims to work with individuals and their carers to avert a crisis wherever possible through prevention and early intervention and working jointly with other emergency and non-statutory services to provide a range of crisis care services. Each new referral received will be screened and triaged in line with the service operational procedure and ensuring high fidelity to the CORE model. Where necessary, a holistic mental health assessment will be undertaken to facilitate appropriate care planning and risk management, and any non-urgent referrals will be referred onwards or sign-posted to more appropriate support services within the developing crisis pathway.
If you are dynamic, innovative and able to apply a methodical approach to problem-solving, yet also consider some flexibility to work, this is the job for you.
The post holder will provide direct patient care to people in their home who are acutely mentally ill. The post holder will be responsible for the rapid response to referrals, face to face assessment and gate keeping of admissions to hospital and facilitating discharge from in-patient services once the risk to the individual or others has decreased. The post holder will also be expected to undertake urgent front line assessments from GPs and other referrers and make clinical decisions around appropriate care pathways.
The post holder will need to demonstrate excellent risk assessment skills whilst also applying a holistic approach to assessing the health and social needs of people experiencing severe and enduring mental illness.
Additionally, the post holder will be responsible for referring and signposting to secondary mental health services, or alternative statutory or non-statutory agencies, and will be required to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
The Band 6 work closely with the people who use our services, families, friends and carers and play an important contribution in how people experience our services. The Band 6 are expected to be kind and responsive but professional and informative and contribute to the quality of the services we provide.
For further information, please see attached Job Description
We are seeking applications for a Band 6 Mental Health Practitioner post, from experienced candidates who are currently registered with a healthcare professional body, have post-qualification experience in mental health, can demonstrate excellent assessment, risk management and communication skills with the ability to deliver high quality person-centred care.
The post holder will contribute to service developments, service evaluation and clinical projects and there is opportunity to develop skill in a range of evidence based therapeutic approaches over a 24/7 shift pattern including weekends and night duty
CNWL Milton Keynes are undergoing an innovative transformation of community mental health services which includes the development of a new Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team to provide rapid response assessments and home treatment as an alternative to admission for people experiencing mental health crisis. Referrals to this service can be made by anyone concerned about a person's mental health and may include the individual themselves, carers, relatives, GPs, police, paramedics or other health professionals. The service also ensures effective gatekeeping of all service users referred for admission to hospital.
The multi-professional team aims to work with individuals and their carers to avert a crisis wherever possible through prevention and early intervention and working jointly with other emergency and non-statutory services to provide a range of crisis care services. Each new referral received will be screened and triaged in line with the service operational procedure and ensuring high fidelity to the CORE model. Where necessary, a holistic mental health assessment will be undertaken to facilitate appropriate care planning and risk management, and any non-urgent referrals will be referred onwards or sign-posted to more appropriate support services within the developing crisis pathway.
If you are dynamic, innovative and able to apply a methodical approach to problem-solving, yet also consider some flexibility to work, this is the job for you.