Social Prescribing Link WorkerinElyinElyPUBLISHED THU 24 OCT 2024

Ely PCNs

Empowering individuals to take charge of their health and wellbeing by helping them identify their needs.
Creating meaningful connections with local community resources, enhancing social support networks.
Managing a varied caseload with diverse challenges, promoting job satisfaction and personal growth.
Collaborating with a friendly and highly-respected GP practice, fostering a sense of belonging within a reputable healthcare team.
Having flexibility to work both remotely and in the community, enabling a dynamic work environment.
Developing a deep understanding of the local community's resources, which can lead to targeted support and community development.
Engaging in continuous professional development through collaboration with colleagues and participating in multidisciplinary meetings.
The role of "Social Prescribing Link Worker" in Ely involves helping individuals identify and address their health and wellbeing needs by connecting them with community resources and support networks. The position, linked to Staploe Medical Centre in Soham, requires managing a personal caseload of patients referred by GPs, providing assistance with various non-medical issues such as housing, transport, financial advice, mental health services, and social connections.

The Social Prescriber is not expected to be an expert in all areas but should be a skilled generalist who understands patient needs and knows how to access relevant resources. They will primarily work via phone and email but will also engage in community visits and meetings as necessary. The role contributes to building a detailed understanding of local community services, identifying needs, and possibly developing new support groups or activities. Collaboration with colleagues from various organisations is encouraged to address complex patient challenges effectively.
Empowering individuals to take charge of their health and wellbeing by helping them identify their needs.
Creating meaningful connections with local community resources, enhancing social support networks.
Managing a varied caseload with diverse challenges, promoting job satisfaction and personal growth.
Collaborating with a friendly and highly-respected GP practice, fostering a sense of belonging within a reputable healthcare team.
Having flexibility to work both remotely and in the community, enabling a dynamic work environment.
Developing a deep understanding of the local community's resources, which can lead to targeted support and community development.
Engaging in continuous professional development through collaboration with colleagues and participating in multidisciplinary meetings.


Locations are approximate. Learn more