We are looking for an enthusiastic and committed individual to work within our establishment acute gynaecology and early pregnancy unit. The post holder will be working autonomously and closely with Lead Consultants. It's an exciting role, caring for the most unique patients within health care.
The Clinical Fellow will work in acute gynaecology unit. Training will be provided in Gynaecological ultrasound.
April 2025 start.
The Service deals with all early pregnancy complications (miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy), most emergency gynaecology (e.g. ovarian cysts) and performs all of the gynaecological ultrasonography at St Georges UniversityHospital. The emergency service is run as a "walk in" facility, serving about 20 women per day, whilst for less urgent scans and appointment system is in operation (about 40 women per day). Many are booked directly with GPs.
The duties are generally within the gynaecology department however there will be some cross cover for sessions on the general Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar rota.
The candidate will be trained and expected to become proficient in all aspects of gynaecological scanning. This will include working in the emergency gynaecology unit, early pregnancy assessment unit as well as the one stop clinics for specific disorders. They will attend the emergency gynaecology operating list. The provision of emergency gynaecology cover involves caring for all emergency gynaecology admissions under the acute gynaecology team for the first 24 hours. The candidate will be expected to conduct a ward round of these patients when on call in the morning at 08:30 and in the evening before finishing on call and ensure continuity of care if handed over to other clinical teams. The duties are generally within the gynaecological department and there is no formal obstetric component currently. When rarely required, flexibility to working in obstetrics is expected. Candidates will be expected to become accredited in gynaecological scanning and opportunity may be given to train in minimal access surgery to RCOG level 2. ATSMs are available in care of the acute gynecological patient, gynaecological scanning, MAS and medical education for eligible candidates. There are opportunities to train and become accredited in colposcopy, hysteroscopy and obstetric scanning within the department. The successful candidate will be required to perform at least one audit annually and will be expected to carry out an active program of research.
Further details can be seen within the job description