The Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and BurnSurgery are looking to recruit a colleague with an interest in the management of the acute burn injury and subsequent reconstruction. The applicant should also have and interest in the management of skin cancer. The successful candidate will join our current team of fourteen consultants including five current burn surgeons.
Duties will be based at Mid Yorkshire Hospital Trust The main duties of the posts will include:
Elective Theatre lists day case surgery will take place on the Pinderfields and Pontefract site.
Inpatient and burns/trauma operating we take place on the Pinderfields site.
General on-call duties will be shared between 10 colleagues (1.4PAs)
Weekdays -Monday to Thursday 1 in 10
Weekends 1 in 18 (with upper limb am support)
Burns on call duties will be shared between colleagues (ultimately 6)
1 in 6 weekdays and weekends (to coincide with weekend PA activity)
Consultant will take part in consultant of the week covering general trauma 1 in 10 weeks
Supporting Professional Activities in accordance with the Trust Framework, with at least a minimum of 1.5 SPAs included in the core 10PA timetable. Additional SPA or DCC time may be commissioned in line with the skills of the successful candidate and changing requirements of the service.
o Examples may include formal teaching responsibilities or departmental leadership roles
Dedicated office space is provided on the Pinderfields site, with access to IT facilities on peripheral sites.
Administrative support is accessible via the Plastic surgery departmental secretaries.
This post is offered on a full time (10 PA) basis although less than full time applications will be considered.
Duties will be based at Mid Yorkshire Hospital Trust The main duties of the posts will include:
Elective Theatre lists day case surgery will take place on the Pinderfields and Pontefract site.
Inpatient and burns/trauma operating we take place on the Pinderfields site.
General on-call duties will be shared between 10 colleagues (1.4PAs)
Weekdays -Monday to Thursday 1 in 10
Weekends 1 in 18 (with upper limb am support)
Burns on call duties will be shared between colleagues (ultimately 6)
1 in 6 weekdays and weekends (to coincide with weekend PA activity)
Consultant will take part in consultant of the week covering general trauma 1 in 10 weeks
Supporting Professional Activities in accordance with the Trust Framework, with at least a minimum of 1.5 SPAs included in the core 10PA timetable. Additional SPA or DCC time may be commissioned in line with the skills of the successful candidate and changing requirements of the service.
o Examples may include formal teaching responsibilities or departmental leadership roles
Dedicated office space is provided on the Pinderfields site, with access to IT facilities on peripheral sites.
Administrative support is accessible via the Plastic surgery departmental secretaries.