The post holder will:
o Facilitate the development of emergency and continuity planning which will ensure a high standard of response to any incident which may impact upon the normal systems of work to the point that special arrangements are required.
o Provide management, leadership and support to all Trust staff in emergency planning matters ensuring that robust systems are in place, which facilitate an appropriate Trust response in the event of major incidents internally or externally.
o Achieve seamless standards of response to continuity breakdown and emergency incidents and to work with and actively support all Trust Divisions, Directorates and departments in their assessment of risk and policy, plans and protocol formation.
o Endeavour to maintain a seamless service for all Trust stakeholders, patients, staff and patient relatives at all times.
o Directly advise the Chief Nurse and the Chief Operating Officer or any other Executive Director as required of risks in the Trust and those that impact externally on the Trust, which may lead to emergency plans being implemented - working closely with Risk Management teams.
o The post holder must meet the requirements of membership of the Emergency Planning Society.
To ensure that all duties are carried out to the highest possible standard.
You will be responsible for analysing Trust and Departmental business continuity plans on a range of subjects, making judgements on compliance and associated risks and liaising with Departmental Managers where revisions are required, as necessary. You will also be required to review, develop, and enhance the business planning process and development of continuity and emergency planning within the Trust in conjunction with the Deputy Chief Operating Officer.
You will take the lead role in interpreting and providing authoritative advice on Department of Health Policy, NHSE directives and national legislation in respect of The Civil Contingencies Act and formulating or adapting local policy accordingly.
Partnerships are expected to be well established and maintained, with an effective working relationship with the Regional Health Emergency Planning Adviser (RHEPA) and ensure the passage of information is maintained with regard to incidents and events, including post incident reports etc.
You will be expected to establish and maintain and effective working relationship with the Regional Health Emergency Planning Adviser (RHEPA) and ensure the passage of information is maintained with regard to incidents and events, including post incident reports etc.
You are also required to line manage the EPRR Support Officer.
For further information regarding this opportunity, please see the attached Job Description and Person Specification.