Applications are invited for a substantive consultant with an interest in Cardiac Anaesthesia. The post is for 10PAs and the post holder will join the Cardiothoracic on-call rota. The post holder will have sessions in cardiac surgery and in general theatres. The post additionally includes annualised sessionswhich can be used to maintain flexibility and skill level across multiple specialty lists. Annualised sessions are performed when needed by the department and chosen by the individual.
The main clinical duties will be in cardiothoracic anaesthesia and cardiac catheter labs. The role will also offer the opportunity to deliver anaesthetic sessions in a wider teaching hospital environment and to maintain skills outside cardiothoracic anaesthesia.
Cardiac theatre days start at 07:30am until 19:30 (3.17PA). Thoracic theatre days start at 07:30 am and run until 19:00 (3.0 PA). All other day sessions start at 08:00 until 18:00; 10 hours which equates to 2.5PA. Half day sessions are 5 hours which equates to 1.25PA. The flexi cardiac sessions, work on a rotation with all cardiac anaesthetist through cardiac, thoracic and cath lab or general lists. The post holder is expected to work these sessions on a flexible annualized basis
The consultant on-call rota is a 1 in 7 with prospective cover and is for cardiothoracic anaesthesia only. The post holder is expected to liaise with their Consultant colleagues in providing internal cover for annual, study and professional leave, sick leave and this may require some flexibility in the post holder's hours.
The post holder is expected to be flexible both in terms of session and day of the week. The above job plan may be subject to change depending upon the needs of the service
The consultant will be required to undertake the clinical, educational and management duties specified below. The demands of the anaesthetic department mean that close and on-going collaboration with consultant colleagues is required.
Please see main job description and person specification.
Enquiries about the post may be directed to Dr Ibrahim Ibrahim (Lead Cardiac Anaesthetist) or Dr Rene Suite(Care Group Lead) on 02.
Informal discussions are welcomed
Ibrahim Ibrahim
Please note, this vacancy is subject to Royal College approval. The job description and person specification is subject to change.