The post holder will be Consultant Psychiatrist to the Greenwich West Intensive Case Management for Psychosis Team (ICMp) with Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust. This is a well established post that has been filled by a locum for the past few years. The vacancy has arisen as the former substantive consultant moved to a different role within the Trust.
The post holder will carry no responsibility for inpatients but will be part of the bed management strategy within the Community Mental Health (CMH) Directorate. The Directorate takes a whole-system approach to bed management with twice daily meetings between community and inpatient clinicians to ensure that beds are used in the most efficient manner. It is not anticipated that the consultant will attend all of these meetings but will need to support the team generally with bed management. The directorate has alternatives to admission in place including an admissions avoidance team, a Borough based Home Treatment Team (HTT) and also a crisis house.
The post holder will be responsible for the care and treatment of patients who receive high level and complex mental health care (formerly on CPA) within the team. This will involve attending multi-disciplinary team meetings, case discussion meetings, and weekly referrals meetings within the team.
The post holder will be expected to attend zoning meetings at least twice a week toprioritize contacts with patients, especially those service users who are deteriorating and presenting with increasing risk. The postholder will be expected to support the team with the development of robust crisis plans for those patients that may be deteriorating.
The post holder will in addition be expected to chair review/CPA meetings, offer crisis appointments to patients who are in the red zone and offer home visits and telephone advice to general practitioners and other professional who may be involved with the care of service users on the caseload.
The post holder will in addition be expected to chair review/CPA meetings, offer crisis appointments to patients who are in the red zone and offer home visits and telephone advice to general practitioners and other professional who may be involved with the care of service users on the caseload.
The post holder will have 4 formal outpatient clinics a week with 4-5 patients booked per clinic. The consultant and other team medics will be responsible for screening new referrals and ensuring that they receive a prompt assessment from the team. This follows a framework with other team members to offer an Initial Family Meeting (IFM) where goals and objectives and completion of a DIALOG care-plan are agreed. There may be additional crisis clinic appointments and/or home visits required during the week and the consultant will be expected to show flexibility in managing their diary.