An exciting opportunity has arisen for a part-time Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry, working 8 sessions per week and covering the North & West Cardiff Locality.
The post holder will work alongside two other Consultants providing input to in-patients across five wards at University Hospital Llandough. Admissions are prioritised by the clinical team and managed via a bed management system that the Consultant will input into. Outpatient clinics are held weekly. The post holder will also cover community work including outpatient clinics and domiciliary visits.
You will be able to take advantage of the excellent Consultant contract for Wales. The basic salary range for this post is £80,000 per annum to £116,800.
Applicants must ensure they provide names and contact details of referees covering at least the last 3 years of their employment/training history in full. In addition, applicants who are currently or have most recently been employed as a substantive Consultant or as a Locum Consultant in post for more than 12 months must also provide the name of their Medical Director as an additional referee.
The post holder will be expected to carry out duties within the expectations of the framework of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2including care and treatment plans. In addition to supporting the team, the Consultant will have an important relationship to play within the Mental Health Services for Older People Directorate, especially with regard to supporting the managed bed process in the service. The Consultant will clinically lead the service and support the development of multidisciplinary working and clinical governance and quality & safety processes.
Managerial leadership will be provided by the Senior MHSOP Directorate Team, including chairing of the Quality & Safety Committee.
The post holder will be expected to act as an Approved Clinician, taking overall responsibility of both in-patients and community patients under their care. Acute Day Hospital patients will be admitted to the Assessment & Recovery Unit (ARU) in University Hospital Llandough. The Care Home Liaison, REACT and Hospital Old Age Psychiatry Liaison Services will support in effective delivery of clinical care.
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is recognised as a teaching centre of excellence in a wide range of clinical services.
Applicants should either be on the Specialist Register or be a Specialist Registrar within six months of their expected date of receipt of a CCT / CESR(CP) at the time of interview.
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents.