We are please to share an exciting opportunity for a clinician to work within the Major Trauma Service at University Hospital Plymouth and continue to gain experience relevant to their career specialty.
This job would be suitable for someone with a specific interest in Trauma who is towards the end of their parent speciality training, or relatively senior within their clinical fellow work, and would like to commit to a period of dedicated time to the start of a new Major Trauma Ward and service development within the Trust.
While we are not looking for applicants from any particular specialty, we welcome applicants from almost any trauma-related background.
The post holder will be expected to work as an integral part of the Major Trauma multidisciplinary MDT providing direct clinical care.
We are looking for a dynamic, dedicated and flexible individual to play an active role in the multi-disciplinary Major Trauma Team on a day-to-day basis- including assisting in Hospital Trauma calls, Trauma patient management and care across the trust, MDT meeting preparation, ward rounds, governance meetings (both local and regional) as well as encouraged to undertake research in a related area. Although this is not a training post, time will be allocated for training appropriate to the interests of the successful applicants. A nominated supervisor will be assigned to the successful applicants to help ensure individuals are able to develop in their area of interest.
Post holders are expected to work 08:00-17:00 as part of a blended team of clinical fellows and a developing team of ACP's. Post holders will be expected to work weekends with appropriate compensatory rest periods (rota to be finalised). Presently there is no planned requirement for night working.
Duration of the posts will be 6-12 months fixed term, however there is scope to extend this beyond the initial fixed term.
University Hospitals Plymouth has been a Major Trauma Centre since 2. The Major Trauma Service has been undergoing significant service reconfiguration including expansion of the Major Trauma team and establishment of a Major Trauma Ward to cohort Major Trauma patients.
This is an exciting time to work with a multi-specialty group of Major Trauma Consultants, Major Trauma Coordinators, Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) to look after the varied injuries of one of our sickest groups of patients. There will be a significant opportunity to learn further about trauma management from a number of perspectives. This includes optimal reception phase care from our ED consultants, regional analgesia and airway management from our Intensivists, visceral trauma management from our General and Cardiothoracic surgeons, Orthopaedic trauma management from our specialist Orthopaedic surgeons and managing associated medical conditions in the context of trauma from our rehabilitation and frailty teams. You would also be encouraged to bring your relevant skills and knowledge to the support, learning and development of junior doctors, ACPs, Nurses and AHPs within the team.
Duties will include (as part of a team):
The post holder will be professionally accountable to the Major Trauma Coordinating Trauma Consultant of the Day and managerially accountable to the Clinical Lead for Major Trauma.