West London Children's Healthcare (WLCH) are pleased to invite applications for one locum, full time (10PA) Resident Paediatric Medicine Consultant posts based on the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital campus.
On 1st April 2022, paediatric and child health services across Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust came together under a single and integrated governance and leadership structure creating WLCH.
We have an ambitious vision to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people across West London through collaboration of clinical teams and by building stronger, equitable common care pathways with close links to research and education colleagues at Imperial College.
WLCH runs paediatric services from four sites, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, West Middlesex, Hammersmith Hospital and St Mary's Hospital. In addition, we are working in partnership with other acute providers in NWL and with our partners in community, mental health, local borough and voluntary sector services to improve care for all children and young people.
The post, based at Chelsea and Westminster, is made up of attending weeks on either the Paediatric Wards or HDU, outpatient clinics and resident nights covering either the Paediatric Emergency Department or the Paediatric Wards & HDU. The successful applicant will join a team of paediatricians providing a wide range of paediatric subspecialty services and 24 hour resident consultant support for the acute paediatric pathway.
We are looking for an individual with an interest in acute paediatrics, including emergency medicine, and subspecialty interests that build on the current services (including but not limited to Adolescent Medicine, Allergy, Diabetes, Epilepsy or Respiratory).
Applicants would be expected, as part of the team, to be actively involved in training, clinical governance and quality improvement.
Please refer to our detailed job description for more information.
The job description gives a general outline of the duties of the post and is not intended to be inflexible or a finite list of tasks. It may be varied from time to time after consultation with the post holder and in particular during regular job plan review where the strategic direction of the Trust or its constituent departments requires it