To provide high quality trauma and emergency anaesthesia within a one-to-one consultant supervised environment initially, and then go on to manage cases within the major trauma centre with indirect supervision.
To gain specialist trauma anaesthetic experience which includes major pelvic and spinal work, cases expedited to the major trauma theatre including emergency neurosurgery cases and unstable penetrating trauma, cases that proceed to IR, as well as in the ED as a key part of the trauma team.
The post will be available as a full time or part time post. Job plan of a part-time post will be by agreement with the Supervisor of the Post. The post holder will undertake regional anaesthesia days and will also attend acute pain rounds. They will take part in the senior registrar on call rota which is 1:8.
Study leave and annual leave will have to be taken during weeks when not on call, or sessions moved accordingly. There is a strong departmental tradition of performing research and audit in this service and of publishing results. Previous experience of research and completed audit will be expected.
Clinical experience
ICHCT is shifting focus and practice to ambulatory surgery. It is a unique setup, where surgical procedures are done on a day surgery basis. The surgical services provide comprehensive care specializing in ambulatory surgery in the areas of:
General surgery
Oncology (specialising in cancers including breast, head and neck and thyroid cancer)
Plastic surgery
Urology surgery
ENT surgery
Orthopaedic surgery
Regional Anaesthesia services are expanding significantly to facilitate the performance of several surgeries on a day surgical basis. It is equipped with ultrasound machines and taught by experts and fellowship trained regional anaesthetists. A variety of blocks are performed that caters to ambulatory practice.
Anaesthesia services are provided in multiple locations at St Marys hospital. The primary clinical area is the 4th floor theatre suite, where most emergency work is located. Other locations include the day surgery theatres, as well as the surgical innovation centre in the Patterson building.
The emergency theatre suite runs each day: 2 orthopaedic trauma theatres, one neurosurgical emergencies theatre, one plastic/reconstruction theatre, a booking list/flexi theatre, one dedicated paediatric emergency theatre, one general emergency case theatre and one acute vascular hybrid theatre.
Please review the full job descriptions attached prior to application for the specific subspeciality.
The posts will be available as a full time (described below) or part time post. Job plan of a part-time post will be by agreement with the Supervisor of the Post.
The post holder will undertake regular regional or trauma anaesthesia days and the post holder will also attend acute pain rounds. The post holder will take part in the senior registrar on call rota alongside the other clinical fellows and ST 6-7s. Currently this rota is 1:8.
The post will be covered by the same arrangements for study leave and supervision that apply to trainees in HEE approved posts. Study leave and annual leave will have to be taken during weeks when not on call, or sessions moved accordingly. There is a strong departmental tradition of performing research and audit in this service and of publishing results. Previous experience of research and completed audit will be expected.