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Write a very short cover letter in British English to White Medical Group for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Practice Nurse with White Medical Group in Ponteland, Newcastle upon Tyne
The purpose of the post is to delivery of safe, high quality primary care nursing services. Working within the NMC Code of Conduct the post holder will deliver primary health care interventions to the practice population. This job description is intended to provide an outline of the key tasks and responsibilities only. There may be other duties required of the post-holder commensurate with the position. This description will be open to regular review and may be amended to take account of developments within the practice. About us Nursing Duties 1 Screening - Undertake opportunistic screening BP checks, height, weight, BMI, urinalysis, smoking status. 2 Health Promotion - Provide healthy eating advice to individuals. - Provide smoking cessation advice individually in opportunistic consultations. - Provide individual advice to patients about increasing activity or exercise. - Offer advice on recommended safe limits for alcohol consumption. - Refer as appropriate. 3 Vaccinations and Immunisations - Administer injections under an individualised prescription or Patient Group Direction. - Ensure safe storage, rotation and disposal of vaccines and drugs. - Provide an adult and childhood immunisation service. - Develop and work to Patient Group Directions for POMs. 4 Infection Control - Support patients and lead colleagues in adopting sound infection control measures. - Apply infection control measures within the practice according to local and national guidelines. This includes :- - Universal hygiene precautions. - The collection and handling of laboratory specimens. - Segregation and disposal of waste materials. - Decontamination of instruments and clinical equipment. - Reporting and treatment of sharps injuries. - Dealing with blood and body fluid spillages. 5 Emergency Management - Is competent in anaphylaxis and resuscitation techniques. 6 Child Health Protection - Recognises the signs, symptoms and categories of child abuse. - Understands the importance of recognition, observation, documentation and communication. - Is aware of child health procedures, statutory local procedures and points of referral. - Has knowledge of roles of other practitioners and agencies. - Understands basic legal issues around child abuse. 7 Mens Health - Raise awareness and give basic advice on issues covering :- - Testicular self-examination. - Incontinence and prostatic disease. - Family planning. - Sexual health. - Initiate opportunistic consultations with patients to cover issues of mens health. - Make appropriate referrals. - Provide NHS Health checks. 8 Family Planning - Advise patients on available methods of contraception and refer as appropriate. - Support patients attending for emergency contraception and refer as appropriate. - Perform interval health checks for patients using hormonal contraception. - Teach patients correct condom use. - Teach patients how to reduce risk of sexually transmitted diseases and refer as appropriate. 9 Womens Health - Advise patients on the national and local cervical cytology and mammography screening programmes. - Undertake a programme of cervical cytology sampling under supervision until competent. - Audit a minimum of twenty consecutive smears each year to demonstrate adequate sampling rates. - Promote breast self-awareness, demonstrate breast self-examination and provide supporting literature. - Advise patients about reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and make appropriate referrals. - Take swabs for microscopy as directed. - Give patients basic advice about peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms and make appropriate referrals. - Advise on the increased peri-menopausal and post-menopausal risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. - Offer health promotion / lifestyle advice to patients. - Advise on basic incontinence management and make appropriate referrals. - Provide NHS Health Checks 10 Travel Health Advice - Offer a holistic approach to travel health including comprehensive advice for patients prior to travel including :- - Vaccinations and medications. - Malaria prophylaxis and bite avoidance. - Safe sex. - Food hygiene. - Sun protection. - First aid and emergency medication. - Health insurance. 11 Chronic Disease Management - The practice holds regular specialist practice nurse led chronic disease clinics (e.g. Diabetes & CHD). - Assist and support with management of above clinics. 12 Wound Management - Perform wound care using aseptic techniques. - Undertake uncomplicated dressings, including leg ulcers. - Suture and clip removal. 13 Minor Illness - Assess and treat conditions presented by patients. 14 Venepuncture - Take blood in line with local procedures. 15 Minor Surgery / IUCDs - Provide support to GPs who perform Minor Surgery and fit IUCDs. 16 Personal and Professional Development - Assist in clinical audit. - Act as a mentor to other staff as required. - Provide chaperone services to other clinicians. - Work effectively in the team. - Monitor and maintain the consistency of professional standards set. - Take appropriate action if standards are not being met. - Recognise the development needs of others. - Support other members of the team. - Participate in evidence based practice. - Be aware of current evidence based approaches to patient care and demonstrate this in practice. - Demonstrate clinical expertise in practice. - Participate in clinical supervision. - Attend and participate in Practice meetings when required 17 Research - We are a GP Research Practice so there may be an occasional requirement to participate in clinical research studies.