The post holder will be a senior midwife with a drive to continuous improvement focusing on supporting the clinical implementation of the maternity services Infant Feeding strategy. The infant feeding specialist will lead on the implementation of "Baby Friendly" initiatives working towards ascertaining "Baby Friendly" status across the Trust maternity service.
The post holder will lead in the clinical area, acting as an Infant Feeding resource, providing expert infant feeding knowledge and support to the on-going development of all staff, demonstrating commitment to best practice and challenging staff if best practice is not being demonstrated.
- Work collaboratively with the Neonatal Unit and Transitional Care Teams, Postnatal ward Managers To be recognised as a specialist professional with an increased knowledge in infant feeding and act as a resource of information and support for colleagues.
- Have clinical responsibilities to ensure lead and implementation of the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative Standards. Once the Standards are achieved, continue the clinical responsibilities to maintain the standards and aim for the BFI Gold Award Status.
- To lead and support care planning in the antenatal period for families where there are known or potential challenges to their feeding journey.
- Be an autonomous practitioner providing clinical leadership and direct clinical care to families and especially for those who have significant infant feeding challenges or requirements, targeting support to mothers with babies at risk: twins, small for gestational age, premature, babies of diabetic mothers, etc.
- Confident in making assessments of the clinical wellbeing of babies and making effective care plans as part of the multidisciplinary team.
- Ensure infant feeding management plan of care is in place and is adhered to by maternity staff.
- To confidently facilitate group sessions for families both in pregnancy and the postnatal period where needed in person or virtually in the community or hospital setting.
- Participate in risk management/complaint procedures. Investigate clinical incidents, complaints, and user feedback and ensure implementation and recommendations.
- Contribute to the areas clinical and non-clinical risk management through documenting untoward incidents.
- Lead and participate in infant feeding audits.
- Audit own practice, and breastfeeding levels at strategic times in the postnatal period.
- Be proactive in resolving complaints at local level through discussion with women and their families, documenting information and action outcomes.
- Practice within the policies, procedures, protocols and guidelines agreed by the
Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the maternity service.
- To observe the Rules and Code of Conduct as set out by the NMC, ensure these are adhered to by members of the team.
- Ensure adequate records are kept in line with NMC Guidelines for record keeping.
- Identify own ongoing professional development and meet NMC revalidation requirements, taking personal responsibility for completing all mandatory and statutory training in line with Trust requirements.
- Provide mentorship and guidance to undergraduate and preceptors.
- Foster a culture of openness, kindness and approachability within their role.
- Ensure all communication, which may be complex, contentious or sensitive, is undertaken in a responsive and inclusive manner, focusing on improvement and ways to move forward.
- Attend mandatory training and statutory training (delivered online and in the classroom) as well as relevant Infant Feeding meetings or events that enhance Infant Feeding knowledge:
o London Region National Infant Feeding Network (NIFN) meetings
o North Central London (NCL) Infant Feeding Meetings
o Haringey and Islington Infant Feeding Meetings
o BFI Annual Conference
o Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MVP)
- Identify personal development needs and actively work towards professional development.
- Maintain professional portfolio.
- Ensure the safety of patients at all times.
- Ensure confidentiality at all times, only releasing confidential information obtained
during the course of employment to those acting in an official capacity.
- To foster and develop a working environment within which midwives can work as independent practitioners, accountable for their practice and in accordance with the NMC Rules and Code of Practice.
- To have due regard for the needs of mothers and their families and recognise the demands placed upon professional colleagues in the pursuance of their duties and to assist them as required.
- To be aware of responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of women, visitors,
staff and others, and to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety
To be aware of the Data Protection Act and Access to Medical Records Act.
To promote equal opportunity for all staff and patients in accordance with Whittington Health NHS Trust policies.