Applications are invited for the post of Consultant Transplant Surgeon in the Nephrology & Transplant department - one of 2 advertised posts based at University Hospital of Wales (UHW), Cardiff.
The Transplant Unit at UHW is a leader in the field, performing approximately 140 adult transplants per year. This includes compatible and blood group and HLA incompatible living donors (approximately 50 per year), deceased donors (donation after brainstem death (DBD) and donation after circulatory death (DCD), approximately 60-80 per year), and Pancreas transplants (approximately 8-15 per year). The unit has a stand-alone multi-organ retrieval team and is part of National Organ Retrieval Services (NORS) providing abdominal retrieval services nationally and Normothermic Organ Perfusion (one of the 3 units recognised for the current provision of Normothermic perfusion).
The unit has one of the largest experiences in the country in ABOi and HLAi transplants in close collaboration with the Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Laboratory of South Wales with excellent results.
The Transplant Unit provides access surgery and general surgical cover for the patients on the renal failure programme. It has access to an increasing number of General Surgical operating lists, and outpatient clinics leading to a wide and varied surgical practice. The 5 Consultants currently involved in general surgery provide the majority of elective laparoscopic cholecystectomies and hernias for the UHB.
The appointee will be required to provide leadership in the management of the Peritoneal Dialysis programme. There is an opportunity to participate in elective general surgery activities and also be part of the Major Trauma Unit rota. The appointee will participate in the UK National Organ Retrieval Service (NORS) which will require the post holder to travel to donor hospitals across the UK.
The post holder will work as one of a team of 9 Consultant Surgeons to deliver kidney and pancreas transplant services to the 1.5 million population of South and Mid Wales and pancreas transplant for Shrewsbury. They will also work as part of the team providing vascular access and general surgery procedures to patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in South East Wales.
Although this post is full-time, consideration will be given to applicants who require flexible working arrangements.
Applicants should either be on the Specialist Register or be a Specialist Registrar within 6 months of their expected date of receipt of a CCT / CESR(CP) at the time of interview.
Applicants must ensure they provide names and contact details of referees covering at least the last 3 years of their employment/training history in full. In addition, applicants who are currently or have most recently been employed as a substantive Consultant or as a Locum Consultant in post for more than 12 months must also provide the name of their Medical Director as an additional referee.
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents.