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Write a very short cover letter in British English to Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Supervised Training Post in Ophthalmic Pathology with Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London
The Department of Eye Pathology at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been successful in obtaining funding for a 6-month locum for a supervised Training post in Ophthalmic Pathology, in 2025. This is an exciting opportunity for a Senior Registrar or Junior Consultant in Pathology to do a 'deep dive' into eye pathology in a supportive environment in a national centre of excellence. The DEP is part of the National Specialist Ophthalmic Pathology Service (NSOPS)), comprising 4 centres, and funded by NHSE Highly Specialised Services (HSS). The DEP receives a wide range of Ophthalmic samples, including eyelid, conjunctival, intraocular and ocular adnexal lesions - providing a local, supraregional & international referral service, receiving approx.4500 specimens each year. The current Ophthalmic pathologists are highly experienced diagnosticians and will provide a supportive educational environment for the Trainee. They are active participants in the British Association of Ophthalmic Pathologists (BAOP) and in the annual External Quality Assessments (EQA). This is a unique full-time training locum post offering 10 Programmed Activities for the duration of 6 months. There is no formal on-call or weekend working commitment. It is expected that the post-holder will provide high quality diagnostic ophthalmic pathology reporting, in preparation for ultimate independent reporting, and will be supervised by the current experienced Consultant staff. Diagnostic clinical service Duties include: Performing, supervising and evaluating macroscopic dissection of ophthalmic pathology specimens. Generating preparatory reports on diagnostic cases, to be presented to Consultant staff for joint sign off, with the view of ultimate independent reporting. Referring cases externally for opinions and ancillary investigations as needed, and integrating the information received with the original diagnostic report. Communicating with patient-facing clinical- and other colleagues, as need arises. Attending relevant multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings (virtually and/or in person), including preparation and follow-up. Contribute to and undertake IQC and relevant clinical audits as needed. Working in line with relevant health and safety processes. Work with the laboratory manager to deliver and improve the service. Participation and input in the National Service Ophthalmic Pathology (NSOPS) meetings and duties Engaging with service users to bring business to the department Participation in local and national service improvement projects, About us Professional development Duties include: Undertaking relevant Continuous professional development (CPD) and similar activities as they arise. Maintaining knowledge of current practice by reading, courses etc. Participating in the Ophthalmic Pathology National External Quality Assurance Scheme (NEQAS) as well as any other relevant EQA schemes Participating in the British Association for Ophthalmic Pathology (BAOP) annual meetings. Undertaking annual appraisal. Research, teaching and audit The post holder may have an honorary or associate appointment at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, depending on research and teaching activities. Duties include: As appropriate, teaching of staff in the Department of Eye Pathology, colleagues from University College Londons Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and visitors from other sites. Research support and collaborations as mutually agreed between the post holder and other parties Participating in the Department of Eye Pathologys service audits. The post holder may sometimes take on additional roles outside the scope of this job description. Examples include Course Lead (educational). Such extra roles will be described separately.