As Regional Medical Director & Chief Clinical Information Officer (CCIO)for the South West, the post holder will provide strategic clinical leadership to regional and local networks of clinicians, driving clinical effectiveness, clinical improvement and patient safety throughout the South West region and lead the Digital Transformation Team.
The candidate will provide collaborative leadership, hold strong values as detailed in the South West Way and act as a role model for patient safety, clinical engagement & clinical improvement, ensuring that clinical input is integral to our improvement programmes.
You will have a track record of leading service improvement in a complex environment, working collaboratively across organisations and systems to ensure the delivery of safe, high-quality care and you will bring significant experience as an executive medical leader in the NHS.
The post holder will be a key contributor to overall strategy and decision-making within the Region and will work closely and collaboratively with other Executives in NHS England South West and throughout the Region. This includes discharging NHS England's Regulatory and Commissioning duties.
Key responsibilities include:
providing system leadership and clinical advice and ensuring system resiliencewithafocusonpositiveoutcomesandoverall qualityandsafetyof patient care.
overseeing clinical commissioning of specialist services, health and justice servicesandleadingstrategicmedicalinputtopublichealth service commissioning.
determining clinical support for trusts in National Oversight Framework (NOF) 4 for reasons of qualityand or performance (andNOF 3truststhatareatriskofmoving to NOF 4) to ensure that trusts receive the necessary support to improve. This may include working with the National Medical Director to coordinate a network of Medical Directors to support Trusts in difficulty.
oversightofprofessionalstandardssystemsandprocessestoensuredoctors are supported, fit to practice and are delivering high quality of care forpatients.
leadingClinicalSenates,withresponsibilityfordevelopingandoverseeing implementation of senate work plans.
providingclinicalleadershiptodigitaltransformationtoenhancepatientcare and to support self-directed care by patients.
Promoting improvement in the quality of care within the regional health system through clinical leadership and engagement.
Exhibit clinical leadership and strategic influence across the whole system of care spanning primary, community, secondary, and specialised tertiary services such that the quality, safety, and experience of care is enhanced in all spheres, engaging clinicians at all levels in provision of best value care.
In collaboration with the Regional Chief Nurse to enact and oversee systems which enable early notification of significant variations in clinical practice and the quality of patient care and to take timely remedial action. The Regional Medical Director will identify and mitigate clinical risks, acting as necessary to bring about improvements that will maintain and enhance clinical quality and safety.
In collaboration with the Regional Chief Nurse he/she will lead on work promoting improvements in quality of care. The RMD will act as the patients champion, being independent and fair, promoting equality and diversity, reducing inequalities, ensuring value for money, securing good governance of NHS providers and challenging poor delivery of services.
In collaboration with the Regional Chief Nurse, motivate, empower and support the regional quality team to ensure that appropriate assurance is received on clinical quality and governance. They will support the organisation to deliver its statutory duties, particularly in relation to the duty of quality, the promotion of innovation, patient experience and choice, safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and equality and diversity.
To contribute to and support national strategy for quality improvement. To be professionally accountable to the National Medical Director and, at times, to act or be a delegate for the National Medical Director.
To communicate and lead the NHS message on quality improvement from a clinical perspective. The Regional Medical Director will promote quality, innovation and productivity. He/she will promote and facilitate transformational change. He/she will act as a role model for medical leaders.
Promote a culture of safety & quality, using a learning culture and improvement methodology.
Provide professional leadership, advice and support to Medical Directors/CMO of provider trusts, systems and other medical leaders and to oversee recruitment to Executive Medical Director posts within the region.
Provide leadership and support to systems and providers with performance issues, where necessary, and to collaborate with and support the central team in managing trusts and systems within the oversight framework .
Work with the Director of Workforce, Training and Education to ensure there is a robust pipeline for medical leadership roles within the region, by supporting national initiatives such as the aspiring medical directors programme.
Ensure there are support systems for newly appointed medical leaders within the region; Engage with the clinical leadership andengagement infrastructure, namely the Clinical Senates Council & Forum, the established Clinical Networks, Operational Delivery Networks, Health Innovation Networks (HINs) and ICBs, to drive transformation of the system in the interests of quality and value;
Specifically, regarding Clinical Networks and HINs the post holder will be expected to agree business plans, ensure appropriate synergy and alignment with regional and national objectives, and undertake quarterly assurance meetings.
Strategic change across the region will be delivered through support of ICSs, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and their leadership. The post holder will be expected to act as a source of advice and support for ICSs through the convening of ad hoc advisory groups where necessary and affording access to the formal advisory architecture.