PCNs are required to provide enhanced access appointments outside the ordinary work hours, usually between the hours of 6.30pm to 8pm Mondays to Fridays and between 9am and 5pm on Saturdays. Hours will be planned on a weekly rota to ensure core enhanced access hours are covered by the Administrators.
The NLPCN is the host provider for the Enhanced Access Service for the patients under the care of the 9 PCN-member GP Practices. The Enhanced Access Service provides a varied range of services, from GP nurse and phlebotomy appointments to non-clinical services such as appointments with health & wellbeing coaches and social prescribers.
The PCN continuously identifies monitors prevalent medical conditions in the area and works with the Integrated Care Board (the ICB) to run additional clinical services such as those aimed at the prevention and treatment of CVD (cardiovascular disease) and CKD (chronic kidney disease). The additional clinical services may include clinics for healthy checks, immunisations (including COVID 19 and flu clinics), hypertension reviews, diabetes reviews and renal cardio-metabolic clinics.
To provide administration support and reception services to the Enhanced Access Service.
To provide administration support and reception services for the additional clinical services or clinics provided by the PCN including call/recalls to patients.
Responsible for providing the Enhanced Access Service remote booking ledgers within EMIS.
Ensure appropriateness of appointments in compliance with the inclusion criteria
Advise PCN Practices of any inappropriate bookings for the Enhanced Access Service
Follow-up assigned tasks from clinicians such as referrals.
Book or arrange referral appointments using the electronic referral system (e-RS) and action/follow-up on the e-RS worklists, enquiries and alerts.
Alert the Enhanced Access team to any changes to schedule.
Co-ordinate and minute the EAS weekly/monthly meetings/briefing sessions
actively input into the development of new and existing services and resources.
Communicate any changes to the Enhanced Access Service to the participating practices
Communicate and complete stock take for Enhanced Access Service consumables.
Manage data bases and spreadsheets and collation of information.
Ensure reporting templates are kept updated with accuracy.
The Context
North Lewisham Primary Care Network (NLPCN) is one of the largest PCNs in Lewisham and has a very diverse population made up of 9 GP Practices serving a population of almost 90,000 patients.
Health inequality impacts our patients: North Lewisham has higher than average levels of deprivation and BAME populations and poorer health outcomes.
NLPCN is committed to tackling health inequality as a priority. We have developed a program of work to improve trust and engage with our local community, training our GP surgeries and staff to improve access for patients, improving our communication to patients about service changes and health promotion and improving the monitoring of those suffering from health inequality to drive our strategy.
The Waldron is a health centre that will be undergoing redevelopment work in 2023. There is a plan to bring transform the Waldron into a community hub promoting health and wellbeing activities.
We expect all our staff to share the values that are important to the PCN:
Equity of quality and equity of access for all residents in and around North Lewisham
Providing proactive, personalised and coordinated care
Protecting and supporting general practice whilst also supporting transformation
Collaborating and engaging with others to spur on innovation and sustainable working.
Key Professional Working Relationships
PCN Clinical Directors
PCN Manager
PCN Operations Lead
GP Lead for Health Inequalities
Administration staff and Practice Mangers for the 9 PCN-member GP surgeries
The occupants/services in the Waldron Health Centre
Clinical staff including nurses and doctors who frequently provide clinical services during EA and other clinical sessions
Waldron Health Centres Security/Buildings officer
PCN ARRS team members who include Social Prescribers and Community Link Workers, care coordinators, health and wellbeing coaches, mental health and wellbeing coaches, a health practitioner, etc