We are looking for an experienced, highly motivated Midwife to lead on our birth centre and be an advocate for midwifery led care within UHCW.
The post holder will be passionate, accessible and responsive and will be proficient in demonstrating strong leadership skills. You will work collaboratively within the intrapartum areas to facilitate the individual needs of women and their families. The post holder will be required to work closely with the Consultant Midwife, Matrons, Labour Ward Coordinators and Community team.
The post holder will be able to make proactive evidence-based decisions within their scope of professional practice.
You will be expected to lead a team, organise and achieve outlined objectives and goals set within the UHCW vision.
Within the management role you will be required to manage a roster, budget, sickness, appraisals and quality improvement projects.
The Ward Manager post will focus on the day-to-day operational management and leadership for the staff and services provided on the Birth Centre and demonstrate professional expertise supporting MLU care within labour ward if required and for births agreed outside of guidance. The postholder will be expected to maintain clinical expertise, undertaking Band 7 duties in line with the needs of the service and be required to work clinical as required.
Accountable for own actions in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct. Will contribute to corporate objectives, and performance targets, acting within local, Trust and statutory guidelines and policies at all times.
Highly developed communication skills enabling maintenance of high-quality service and ensuring timely management and resolution of unexpected events and situations. Undertake bleep-holder and on call responsibilities for the maternity unit on a regular basis.
A knowledgeable leader and resource for staff, advising on national, local and Trust policy and procedures/guidelines, ensuring that clinical governance is embedded in practice. Will support staff and users in service and policy development within a defined area/specialty.
For further details please see the attached job description.