iGPc Primary Care Network is excitedly looking to recruit a new doctor to join its Acute Care Hub team for a fixed term contract ending 31st March 2025. (Full time or substantial part-time).
As a doctor in our Acute Care Hub Team, you will work independently, initiate effective history taking, clinical assessment and diagnosis within your capabilities. You will implement a range of care interventions including prescribing for patients presenting with undiagnosed problems and/or support patients as part of a care plan with partners.
You will join a team of Advanced Nurse Practitioners/Paramedics alongside GP practice teams providing acute access appointments for the PCN patient population.
Hours of work vary between a 7am start and an 8pm finish.
As per ARRS funding; full time is £75,000 for 9 sessions. This includes 7 clinical sessions, 1 PPD session and 1 personal directed project session. We would also be happy to discuss pro rata rates to support part time working hours.
The post holder is an experienced GP who, acting within their professional boundaries, will provide care for the presenting patient from initial history taking, clinical assessment, diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of their care. They will demonstrate safe, clinical decision-making and expert care for patients within the general practice. They will work collaboratively with the multi-disciplinary general practice team to meet the needs of patients, supporting the delivery of policy and procedures, and providing leadership as required.
The post-holder will
Provide the choice of direct access to a GP face to face, over the telephone, as well as home visits, and online.
Make professionally autonomous decisions for which they are accountable.
Provide clinics within the PCN for patients presenting with undifferentiated, undiagnosed problems, making use of skills in history taking, physical examination, problem-solving and clinical decision-making, to establish a diagnosis and management plan.
Instigate necessary invasive and non-invasive diagnostic tests or investigations and interpret findings reports.
Provide safe, evidence-based, cost-effective, individualised patient care.
Offer a holistic service to patients and their families, developing where appropriate, an on-going plan of care and support, with an emphasis on prevention and self-care.
Promote health and well-being using health promotion, health education, screening and therapeutic communication skills.
Refer patients directly to other services and agencies as appropriate.
Work with relevant colleagues to ensure that National Service Frameworks e.g. Coronary Heart Disease, Older People, Diabetes, Mental Health are being delivered.
Work with multi-disciplinary teams within the PCN member practices, and across the wider Primary Care, to promote integrated and seamless pathways of care.
Contribute to the practices and PCN achieving quality targets to sustain the high standards of patient care and service delivery.
Collect data for audit purpose.
Participate in identification of community health needs and develop patient and family-centred strategies to address them.
Help develop and set up new patient services and participate in initiatives to improve existing patient services.
Compile and issue computer-generated acute and repeat prescriptions, avoiding hand-written prescriptions whenever possible.
Prescribe in accordance with the ICB prescribing formulary, or generically, whenever this is clinically appropriate.
In general, the post-holder will be expected to undertake all the normal duties and responsibilities associated with a GP working within primary care
The post-holder will:
Promote a learning environment for patients, nurses and other health professionals.
The post-holder will:
Promote evidence-based practice using the latest research-based guidelines and the development of practice-based research.
Monitor the effectiveness of their own clinical practice through the quality assurance strategies such as the use of audit and peer review.
Maintain their professional registration.
Participate in continuing professional development opportunities to ensure that up-to-date evidence-based knowledge and competence in all aspects of the role is maintained.
Work within the latest GMC and RCGP Code of Professional Conduct.
Record accurate consultation data in patients records in accordance with the latest HEE multi-professional framework for advanced practice and other pertinent standards.
Keep up to date with pertinent health-related policy and work with the practice team to consider the impact and strategies for implementation.
Work collaboratively with colleagues within and external to the PCN.
Demonstrate leadership.
The post-holder must always comply with the PCN Health and Safety policies, by following agreed safe working procedures and reporting incidents using the organisations Incident Reporting System.
The post-holder will comply with the Data Protection Act 1984 and the Access to Health Records Act 1990.
The post-holder must co-operate with all policies and procedures designed to ensure equality of employment.
The post-holder will support the equality, diversity and rights of patients, carers and colleagues, to include,
The post-holder will establish and maintain effective communication pathways with the following:
PCN Teams
Team Leaders
Practice Nurses
PCN Manager
The post-holder will strive to maintain quality within the PCN, and will:
In addition to maintaining continued education through attendance at any courses and or study days necessary to ensure that professional development requirements for PREP are met, the post-holder will participate in any training programme implemented by the practice as part of this employment, such training to include,
The post-holder is required to travel independently during home visits where applicable, and to attend meetings etc hosted by other agencies.
The post-holder will have contact with body fluids i.e, wound exudates, urine etc while in clinical practice.
This role is funded via the GMP ARRS scheme and therefore requires that the candidate be within 2 years of MRCGP Qualification and registration with the GMC, to have not had a substantive post since qualification.
The post holder may be expected to work across all eight sites and to co-operate with all staff from other practices within the network.
Respecting the privacy, dignity, needs and beliefs of patients, carers and colleagues.
Acting in a way that recognizes the importance of peoples rights, interpreting them in a way that is consistent with practice procedures and policies, and current legislation.