This post is fixed term / secondment for 12 months due to funding.
If you are interested in applying for the secondment position, you must obtain permission from your current line manager prior to applying for this post.
Are you looking for a new exciting challenge?
Do you have relevant lived and/or living experience of Mental Health?
This might be relating to your own personal experience or supporting others in relation to living with mental health needs.
We are looking for a passionate, skilled and self-motivated individual who likes to works as part of a team but equally can work on their own. The post holder must have a desire to make a real difference in promoting mental health among services and our partners.
This is an exciting opportunity to develop and lead on a new project. The successful candidate will have direct responsibility for developing and supporting the Mental Health Division to develop and implement a Recovery College Business case..
We are a patient-led organisation, and you will be working in an environment where the patient/service user/client is placed at the centre of all that you do.
If you relish the opportunity to make a difference for people who experience mental health challenges, improve services and work in partnerships - this may well be the ideal role for you.
The role will lead and develop the lived experience programme locally in the health board as part of a national initiative supported by Health Education &Improvement Wales (HEIW). This will include the development and implementation of a Recovery College business case and support to develop the local Peer Support / Lived experience workforce.
o Undertake a feasibility exercise to consider the case for having a recovery college, identifying potential benefits and opportunities for the local organisation.
o Manage the programme of work to develop and implement a local Recovery College in line with the national HEIW Recovery College model.
o Lead and support implementation of the suite of national Recovery College resources developed by the national team in HEIW.
o Manage the development and delivery of education and development programmes to staff at all levels.
o Work collaboratively as part of an All-Wales Peer-led Recovery College community of practice network
o Complete organisational reporting as required against the agreed metrics and data standards, providing visibility and assurance.
o Align local activities with the national work on development of compassionate cultures and the non-pay elements of the pay award, to support and motivate staff to stay in NHS Wales.
For an informal discussion on the role please contact:
The ability to speak Welsh is desirable for this post; Welsh and/or English speakers are equally welcome to apply.
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac.