Thisrolewill supportthelaunch ofanewUrgent Suspected Cancer (USC)teledermclinic within Mersey and West Lancashire Trust (MWL). The post holder will have the opportunity to work closely with a wider team to implementanefficientpatientpathwayexperience.
The post holder will be responsible for taking telederm pictures for patients referredbytheirGPtotheteledermservices,uploadingtheimagesandprocessing them through the digital platformprovider.
The post holder will work within the Medical Photography Department, but theirmain role will be directed by the Dermatology department and will primarily be the undertakingof taking telederm pictures as above.
Communicateeffectivelyandprofessionallywithmultidisciplinarymembersof the team, patients and their family/carers.
Toworkasamemberofamultidisciplinaryteamestablishing effectivecommunicationacrossorganisations.
To demonstrate excellent verbal communication through the ability to give basic informationabout the Telederm process and support to individuals and to modify the approach to individual needs of thepatients.
Todemonstrateexcellent documentationonarangeofITplatforms asrequired.
Useasecureclinicalimage(system)foronlinedeliveryof images.
Toensurethattheequipment iswellmaintainedandstoredappropriately.
Communicate effectively and professionally with multidisciplinary members of the team, patients and their family/carers.
To work as a member of a multidisciplinary team establishing effective communication across organisations.
To demonstrate excellent verbal communication through the ability to give basic information about the Telederm process and support to individuals and to modify the approach to individual needs of the patients.
To demonstrate excellent documentation on a range of IT platforms as required.
Ensure patients understand any consent issues.
Liaise directly with the appropriate clinical staff for any clarification related to photographic requirements.
Use a secure clinical image (system) for online delivery of images.
To ensure that the equipment is well maintained and stored appropriately
The post holder will communicate effectively across a wide range of channels and with a wide range of individuals, the public and health social and care professionals. They will use both verbal and non-verbal methods of communication, dependent on the needs of the patient and address communication barriers. They should demonstrate the interpersonal skills that demonstrate empathy, compassion, courtesy, respect and trust.
Conduct a sift of incoming referrals against defined exclusion criteria
Contact patients to book them in for their medical photography appointment at the Trust Effectively communicates information relating to patients health and care. Utilises interpersonal skills
Act as a positive role model to portray a consistent professional image of MWL.
Keeps accurate contemporaneous documentation using the organisations documentation, both written and electronic.
Awareness of different communication needs of patients, carers and relatives.
Ensure all patient related information is treated sensitively and adhere to the principals of confidentiality at all times.
The postholder should be able to challenge constructively within the multidisciplinary team, in an appropriate and professional manner, whilst acting as the patients advocate.
The Teledermatology Support Worker will;
To undertake medical photography activities, ensuring ethical practices are followed.
To engage with and undertake all necessary training in use of the teledermatology equipment/platform to ensure proficiency in hosting the clinic. Engage in all offered training by Trust Medical Photographer to ensure proficiency in taking high quality medical images.
The postholder will be responsible for singularly hosting a clinic session, wherein they will welcome attending patients in; verify patient identity and lesion identity; complete a patient questionnaire with those patients who havent completed prior to appointment; undertake clinical photography of the patients lesion(s); make accurate records of attendance within CareFlow; upload taken images to the teledematology AI platform for review.
Ensure that they are aware of and work within the standards set out in the Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers.
Be responsible for ensuring quality of all photography produced within the department is of a highly professional nature. That the condition has been accurately interpreted and the correct lighting technique has been used to ensure it is medically and legally valuable, measuring against recognised national/local standards.
Demonstrate own clinical competence developed through continual professional development, reflective practice and maintenance of clinical competencies.
Report any untoward incidents, complaints and clinical emergencies to the appropriate professional within the appropriate times.
Seek out an identified chaperone within the site of clinic when appropriate/requested by the patient.
While not engaged in undertaking telederm photography, the postholder may be expected to support the Medical Imaging teams with the following:
Supporting other patients requiring medical photography
Act as a chaperone
Undertake other administrative duties
Knowledge of a full range of administrative procedures and software programmes and their application to improve service efficiency and effectiveness.
Exercise judgement when dealing with patient enquiries, analysing and resolving problems at source.
Recognise and accept responsibility for own personal development
Ensure new medics joining the department are booked in for suitable training and inductions with a tour of their working environment
Help support the USC and 18-week pathways within the speciality. Raising awareness with colleagues, clinical staff ensuring correct pathways attached to ensure USC and 18-week target to be achieved.
Partake in any clinical audit as requested by the clinical teams.