Previous Applicants Need Not Apply
An exciting opportunity has become available for qualified Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs) to join our dynamic and energetic award-winning Oxleas MHST service. We are recruiting to EMHP posts in our established Bexley & Greenwich Mental Health Support Teams, both of which have recently expanded.
Mental Health Support Teams are part of an exciting National initiative, working in collaboration with education settings, to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in response to the government's Green Paper: Transforming children and young people's mental health provision.
There is a specific focus on early intervention, improving access and supporting the general culture of mental health and wellbeing support within primary and secondary schools. Teams work within a Thrive framework alongside education colleagues and community partners, providing quality care to children, young people and families.
The post holders will work within education settings providing low intensity manualised CBT informed guided self-help intervention to children and young people with mild to moderate anxiety or low mood. The post holder will also offer manualised parent interventions to primary age pupils and support a comprehensive psycho-educational groups and workshops programme across a range of local schools. They will also support the whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing across educational settings.
We seek to appoint enthusiastic and dynamic individuals who are passionate about improving health outcomes for children and young people.
Applicantsmust have completed the required EMHP post graduate training and have professional registration with either BPS or BABCP as an Education Mental Health Practitioner. Please note applicants who do not meet this criteria will not be short listed.
The service offers a range of internal and external training opportunities to support professional development and a specific menu of CPD courses have been identified to support EMHP role development with a commitment from the Trust to support ongoing learning.
Flexible working arrangements are also considered.