University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust is delighted to offer a fantastic opportunity to work with us.
Please see below for detailed job description of the role.
A rare and highly sought after opportunity is available for a qualified Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) working within the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) and Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC).If you relish a challenge, are passionate about service development and providing a high standard of patient care, then the Emergency Care ACP team is the place for you.
We are looking for an experienced ACP who is enthusiastic and willing to develop this service whilst working clinically. You will be expected to work autonomously but within a wider medical team, assessing, ordering and interpreting investigations, diagnosis and creating an appropriate management plan. This involves complex diagnostic decision making, prescribing, treatment planning and the ability to manage high risk situations effectively, safety and decisively. The ACP will be part of the driving force of developing and improving our SDEC pathways and the care delivered to the acutely unwell patients within AMU. You will need to be adaptable, have high standards and show initiative within this role.
The AMU/SDEC ACP role is part of the foundation to front door medicine. The ACP augments the consultant and registrar role and is expected to recognise and ease high pressure dynamics within the unit. The ACP holds referral bleeps for internal and external referrals for acute medicine. The ACP is expected to perform clinical procedures such as lumber punctures, ascitic drains and ultrasound.
The ACP will need to be able to demonstrate working across the 4 pillars of advanced clinical practice. Distribution of working hours is negotiable and after the initial period will be a 80:20 split between clinical and management time. AMU is committed to the growth and development of the AMU ACP role and are keen to support education and of evolution of its team members.The successful candidate will form part of the Emergency Care ACP team, who work in AMU and SDEC.