Trust Registrar in General MedicineinColchesterinColchesterPUBLISHED MON 25 DEC 2023

Band Doctor - other  FIXEDTERM 


This post is not recognised by the Royal College of Physician for general professional training. However this post offers an exciting opportunity to expand and consolidate the post-holders current medical knowledge. The successful applicant will receive training in Acute Medicine and General Medicine and depending on the individuals interest an arrangement can be made for participation in sub-specialty clinics. The post-holder will have a valuable opportunity to participate in further development of services, which forms an important part of higher medical training. Applicants must have MRCP (UK) or the equivalent.

The Post

The post will be for one year in the first instance.

The appointee will primarily work as part of a dynamic and flexible team comprising of a growing team of Acute Physicians in looking after patients in General Medicine whilst providing additional support for the development of services within General Medicine and also providing senior cover in addition to participating in the Registrar on-call rota.

Responsibilities will include demonstrating good leadership and providing supervision for junior staff. There will be involvement in regular teaching programme as well as participating in weekly meetings and monthly audit meetings

The post has generally been regarded as a tremendously helpful 'stepping stone' to a training position either within Acute Medicine or another medical speciality as there are plenty of cogent learning and developmental opportunities including the chance to write up and publish case reports, reviews and quality improvement projects. Our past registrars have invariably gone on to become highly confident and successful senior doctors.


The post-holder will take part in at least one general medicine out-patient session per week (this may be ambulatory clinic based in EAU) including new patient referrals from GPs and ward follow-ups. This forms an integral part of the general medicine training along with the emergency (acute) take which is currently a full shift rota

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