The South West Regional Vaccination and Screening Directorate is looking to appoint a Senior Programme Manager to become part of the senior leadership team commissioning effective vaccination and screening programmes across the 7 systems in the region. The role will take the lead on integrating the team, support with the transition to delegation of commissioning to Integrated Care Boards in 2026 and the transition of Covid-19 vaccination services to a business as usual model.
The post holder will have a pivotal senior role within a dynamic and committed team made up of local, regional and national colleagues who are working together to deliver the vaccination and screening programmes.
This post is also specifically intended to provide senior leadership across elements of the team that are responsible for the delivery of the Covid vaccination programme across the SW.
Covid programme specific roles for the postholder will include working with systems to develop capacity plans and understand models of delivery for the future of the vaccination programme, alongside oversight of stock and supply.
The post will lead on the development and ongoing management of internal business processes to deliver a programme management office function together with team development for the Vaccination and Screening team.
The role will have oversight and line management of specified team members within the Directorate. Provide direct support to the Head of Public Health Commissioning including deputising in support of internal, system and national meetings across the vaccination and screening functions.
As a Senior Programme Manager, the post holder will: