The Cardiology department at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust aims to offer a high quality responsive service to both patients and General Practitioners for the diagnosis and treatment of suspected cardiovascular conditions. Our objective is to undertake locally all investigations and treatments that can reasonably be undertaken in the DGH environment whilst ensuring appropriate access to more specialised units. We keep under constant review the range of activities appropriate to the DGH and update our strategic plan using evidence based guidelines, based on the principle that if it can be done here it should be.
The consultant staffing of the department currently consists of ten Cardiology consultant posts, supported by a team of Clinical Physiologists and specialist nursing staff. We currently have 2 pacing vacancies within the team that we are looking to recruit for.
This post will be predominantly based at King's Mill hospital, with out-patient activity at Newark Hospital. It is expected that the applicant for the post will make a major contribution to the cardiac device service. There will also be a requirement to provide in patient ward area care to patients and contribute to the on call cardiology rota.
This role will enhance the Cardiology team currently responsible for the implantation and system management of a vast device service, including all aspects from brady pacing to CRT/D-P, inclusive of ICD, HIS and LBB.
In-Patient Cardiology
10 Cardiologists currently based at King's Mill are responsible for 23 beds on Ward 23, including an 8 bedded cardiac care unit and the cardiology patients within any of the 24 beds on Ward 24, which is shared with haematologists/general internal medicine physicians. These wards have extensive telemetry facilities. Step-down facilities from acute cardiac care are based on the same wards and patients are cared for by the same ward based nurses aided by a team of specialist cardiac nurses. In 22/23, Ward 23 admitted approx. 990 patients.
Out-Patient Services
All out patient appointments are booked to allow 30 minutes for new patient appointments and 15 minutes for review appointments. SFH have been heavily involved by the National team in influencing the shape of the Choose and Book system. We make serious efforts to ensure continuity is maintained for patients currently under review or who have been recently discharged from a specific consultant's care. During 22/23, the service completed 6366 outpatient appointments.
A GUCH clinic runs on an ad hoc basis throughout the year. This is a joint clinic managed by a visiting Consultant from Glenfield hospital, Leicester.
It is expected that all Cardiologists will see the same range of referrals within their routine clinics. Additional special interest clinics may be developed in consultation with colleagues and managers.
Appropriate office accommodation and secretarial support will be provided.
Please see attached person specification and job description for full duties and main responsibilities