Clinical Fellow in Paediatric CMRinLondoninLondonPUBLISHED FRI 25 OCT 2024

Band Doctor - other: Depending on experience dependant on experience  FIXEDTERM  GOOD SALARY 

The role of Clinical Fellow in Paediatric Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMR) at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust offers a full-time position for individuals with at least three years of training in Paediatric Cardiology. The successful candidate will undergo a comprehensive three-month CMR training course, followed by active participation in the paediatric CMR service. Responsibilities will include attending CMR scans, guiding radiographers, cannulating paediatric patients, and preparing preliminary reports, as well as some duties in paediatric cardiology. The fellow will receive ongoing feedback and teaching from consultants and gain significant exposure to a variety of paediatric CMR cases.

The position, primarily based at the Royal Brompton Hospital, requires GMC registration. Once trained, the postholder will report on congenital and non-congenital CMR scans under consultant supervision and support the organisation of scans performed under general anaesthetic. Additionally, the fellow will engage in audit and research projects related to CMR, making this an opportunity for both clinical and academic development in the field.


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