We are looking to welcome a consultant anaesthetist to primarily work within adult general theatres and be on the adult general on call rota, but be willing and able to flex to cover work within our paediatric theatres. The job plan will incorporate, on average, one session in paediatric theatres per week to maintain skill.
We are the largest hospital in the Southwest Peninsula, and offer a secondary care service to approximately 500 000 patients, and a tertiary care service to a further 1.5 million. We are a major trauma centre. Almost all adult surgical specialties are catered for, including cardiac, neurosurgery, thoracics and paediatrics. A successful applicant will be joining a welcoming and friendly department that has held ACSA Accreditation since 2and is proud of its collegiate spirit. We have a strong track record in clinical excellence & translational research, and receive very positive feedback from our rotating trainees. We understand the need to accommodate a healthy work life balance and aim to support flexible working. We have a lively social programme and a dedicated anaesthetic coffee room, known as the 'Back Bar'.
We are located on the Devon/Cornwall border with access to all the amenities of a metropolitan city, yet moments away from the moors and sea. We are proud that Plymouth was voted the top city to live in England in 2023!
This post is for a substantive consultant anaesthetist capable of delivering high quality anaesthesia across all main surgical specialties. These duties include but are not limited to teaching, continuing medical education and quality improvement activities.
The post holder will be expected to participate in the general on-call rota that covers general surgery, obstetrics, major trauma, IR and neurosurgery. There are separate on call rotas for paediatrics, ICU and cardiac.
We are a busy and expanding Trust. Some weekend elective, emergency and trauma anaesthetic cover will also be required. An appropriate allocation of programmed activities will be agreed for this work. We aim to be flexible and are happy to receive applications from less than full time applicants. We are fortunate to have close links with University of Plymouth medical school and expect colleagues to engage with under-and post-graduate education.
The enclosed job plan is indicative and may change following service development to meet the requirements of the service and importantly, the interests of the post holder.
We have included an indicative 10 PA job plan within the candidate pack, however the successful applicant will have the opportunity to meet with the Service Line Director in advance of commencing the post to agree a job plan that works for both the applicant and Trust. We recognise the importance of flexible working and will seek to accommodate this wherever possible. We are also keen to support applicants to do what they enjoy and therefore bring their best selves to work!
Job plans typically start with 1.5 generic SPA.
We run a 1ston call rota, backed up by a 2nd on call consultant for anaesthesia (not cardiac, ICU or paediatrics). When 1ston call you need to be within 30 minutes of the hospital. For 2ndon call, it is 45 minutes. There are resident trainees in obstetrics and the emergency theatre (as well as ICU and cardiac ICU).
We have regular evening trauma lists and cover the emergency stroke thrombectomy service. There areweekend emergency and trauma lists, as well as a number of waiting list initiatives for elective work.
We would be more than happy to discuss elements of the job, rota or any other queries.
We would actively welcome and encourage visiting the department, hospital and the area in advance of interviews/application.