1. To work closely with other Optometrists, Orthoptists and Health Care Professionalsin order to deliver a comprehensive range of core optometric services and a rangeof extended role services (dependent upon experience) to the highest standards ofquality and care.2. To deliver an integrated and collaborative eye care service for patients at LNWH byeffective, efficient care and excellent outcomes for F2F and diagnostic patients.3. To work as an autonomous practitioner in providing optometric assessment,diagnosis and management of patients of all ages, ranging from babies to theelderly and those who have varying communication skills.4. To participate in the delivery of certain more complex specialist optometric servicesthat meets the changing needs of the Directorate and other outside agencies.5. To undertake administrative duties as required by the role undertaken.6. To participate in clinical audit and research7. To provide teaching and training at undergraduate and postgraduate levels forvarious disciplines within ophthalmology (ophthalmologists, medical students,ophthalmic nurses, Orthoptists and other health professionals).
JOB RESPONSIBILITESo To undertake a broad range of core optometry services. This will include pre andpost-op cataract assessments, visual assessment for patients with diabetic retinopathy,assist the consultant with neuro-ophthalmology assessment and paeds and adultrefraction including funduscopy.o To undertake a range of sub-specialty clinical roles involving extended optometricskills - see details belowo To take responsibility for the assessment of patients of all ages, abilities and with wideranging communication difficulties referred for optometric assessment.o To formulate management and treatment plans and make onward referral to otherclinical members of the Ophthalmology Directorate as appropriate or dischargingpatients.o To implement management plans and a wide range of treatment regimescommunicating with patients, relatives and carers, including those with learning,communication and language difficulties.o To communicate sensitive issues to patients including diagnosis and prognosiso To demonstrate considerable manual dexterity, accuracy and speed in a variety ofclinical procedures to ensure accurate measurements necessary for patientmanagement e.g. contact lens practice and slit lamp examination.o To liaise with other optometrist colleagues or the consultant with whom one is workingabout any problems which may arise during daily clinical practice.
To view the main responsibility, please see the attached the Job Description and Person Specification