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Write a very short cover letter in British English to Pennine Care NHS FT for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Highly Specialist Therapist/Clinical/Practitioner Psychologist with Pennine Care NHS FT in Ashton under Lyne
Hours available for this post are either 18.75 or 9.50 per week This is an exciting opportunity to join an experienced national team of researchers to pilot and evaluate a joint response for young people experiencing mental health crisis. The response includes a collaboration between Greater Manchester Police and young people's mental health services. This three-year pilot will provide one three-year full-time post or two part-time posts to Senior Mental Health Practitioners/Clinical Psychologists/Equivalent who are committed to improving crisis are for young people. The appointee(s) will have the opportunity to work flexibly across the Greater Manchester area, collaborate closely with the research team and associated stakeholder groups, and experience firsthand the live evaluation of an innovative and collaborative approach to care. The post advertised will be instrumental in the success and development of crisis pathways for children and young people. Learning from this study will inform future planning at a national level, offering an exciting opportunity to contribute towards the development of future clinical practice for young people experiencing mental health crisis Working alongside clinical staff and the research team, you will respond rapidly to requests for assistance when a young person presents in crisis. You will contribute to the assessment and management of young people in crisis within a clear and structured Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction framework, and identify therapeutic goals to support the young person and families/carers You will refer on to specialist in-patient services as necessary or work collaboratively with other services to reduce the need for inpatient care. You will develop holistic, safety and recovery focused care plans and mobilise support around the child and family to promote resilience and reduce the likelihood of future crisis episodes. As a research based practitioner, you will feed into the wider multi-disciplinary team and liaise with the research and clinical teams Direct work with young people will take place in the family home or out of home placement, clinical areas, community settings, or neighbourhood environments. Hours will be set within a 24-7 crisis context. Travel across Greater Manchester with the designated police officer will be required About us Main Duties & ResponsibilitiesClinical To work with members of the crisis teams and CAMHS to rapidlydevelop psychological formulations about children and/or families incrisis. To use psychological formulations to provide sound, evidence-basedguidance to colleagues, families, carers and young people. To provide clinical advice and notes that accurately outline theinformation being used to guide the formulation and have clearguidance about any mental health risk and any next steps. To ensure any mental health risks discussed in attendance to crisis callouts are shared appropriately within the parameters of the crisispathways and working relationships with members of GMP. To help the appropriate teams use the formulation to inform otherprofessionals of how to understand and work in accordance with theformulation in order to improve outcomes and reduce risk for youngpeople. To contribute to the multi-disciplinary teams psychologicalunderstanding of young people and their families and offer guidance toimprove mental health and other important outcomes. To exercise autonomous professional responsibility for the entirety ofyour work. To take an active role in the process of multi-disciplinary riskassessment, utilising clinical guidelines to support consultation andformulation processes, documenting formulations andrecommendations as appropriate. To support the family and multidisciplinary professionals to understandand take positive risks, as part of an agreed plan. To report adverse incidents (for clinical and research purposes) andensure documentation is detailed and supported by evidence. To exercise autonomous professional responsibility for the advice,consultation and formulation provided. To contribute directly and indirectly to a psychologically basedframework of understanding and care to the benefit of all clients of theservice across all settings and agencies serving the client group. To communicate in a skilled and sensitive manner, informationconcerning the assessment, formulation, and treatment plans of youngpeople engaging with crisis services. To provide expertise, brief evidence-based therapeutic support,enhance coping skills, advice, and support to facilitate the effective andappropriate provision of psychological care to the young people. To create a psychologically safe space in which individuals or the teamconsider the impact of the work and to think about ways to mitigate thepotential risks to their own wellbeing. To utilise their expert knowledge about vicarious trauma to help teamstake steps to reduce the risk of secondary trauma while doing thiswork. To gain, evaluate, disseminate, and implement research findings. in, evaluate, disseminate, and implement research findings. te, and implement research findings. To review and reflect upon own practice through participation in andeffective use of professional and operational supervision and appraisal. To fully engage in research team and clinical team meetings. To keep detailed clinical and research notes to inform the youngpersons ongoing care and role within the research study. To proactively support young peoples engagement in the researchstudy, alongside their parents/carers, or other relevant trusted adults inthe young persons life. To obtain informed assent/consent for inclusion from prospectiveparticipants in research activities. To conduct and document risk assessment in therapeutic and trainingsituations, hospital, and community settings, balancing the conflictinginteraction of the individual needs of the children and adolescents,those who care for them, therapeutic goals, and risk minimisation.Teaching, training, and supervision To provide training and workshops to professionals working within theGreater Manchester, particularly in relation to psychological traumaand research findings. To work with managers to contribute to the identification of the clinicaltraining needs of staff working in crisis pathways and to work towardsaddressing such training needs as appropriate. To maintain and develop skills in the area of own professional postgraduate training and clinical supervision skills. To receive regular clinical and research supervision from a seniorclinical psychologist and, where appropriate, other senior professionalcolleagues. To contribute to the pre and post qualification teaching and training ofclinical and counselling psychologists, as appropriate and withagreement from senior management. This may include contributing tothe supervision of clinical psychology trainees on placement. To receive regular individual and peer group clinical supervision inaccordance with the good practice guideline of the appropriateregistered Professionals Standards Authority. To participate in and develop an up-to-date personal development planreflecting on own needs and engaging in development of clearobjectives. To maintain and develop specialist psychological knowledge and skills,using appraisal and continuing professional development systems. To provide clinical supervision to psychologists/psychologicaltherapists and other professionals, as agreed with the Clinical Leads To undertake any available and appropriate management trainingwithin the service. To represent senior clinical psychology colleagues at service meetings,as directed by the Lead Psychologist for the service/Chief Investigatorfor the study. To adhere to the Code of Conduct as outlined by the BPS and theDivision of Clinical Psychology and by the Health and Care ProfessionsCouncil and other registered Professionals Standards Authority. To adhere to the Code of Practice for the Mental Health Act, asrequired. To take part in regular audit and peer review. To provide a positive role model to staff and enable a high level ofsupport in order to deliver high quality care to the client group.Management, Recruitment, Policy, and Service development To maintain the spreadsheet of activity for the research team andutilise feedback mechanisms for all training, consultation and staffsupport and where necessary develop bespoke feedback mechanisms. To contribute to the writing and development of reports, policydocuments, and to provide overall support to the research process. To carry out regular reviews of services delivered (e.g., 111/999 callouts, staff support) to the clinical lead and chief investigator. Support the chief investigator with refining the treatment protocol andassociated documents to ensure the service is being delivered to ahigh quality with treatment integrity, incorporating suitablepsychological models. To identify good practice, to share it and promote it regionally andnationally with the research team. To contribute to research, policy and practice development asidentified, and to seek proactively opportunities to engage in the same. To participate as a senior clinician in the development of a high quality,responsive and accessible service. To exercise delegated responsibility for managing, alongside seniormanagement, the resources available, according to the SoECAT andproject budget. To exercise responsibility for recording and implementing thesystematic governance of psychological practice within theservice/team.Research and service evaluation To utilise theory, evidence-based literature and research to supportbest practice in clinical research and practice. To undertake appropriate research with the team and provide researchadvice to other staff undertaking research through the Young PeoplesResearch Centre. To initiate project management, including complex audit and serviceevaluation with colleagues. To contribute to the development, evaluation and monitoring of theteams operational policies and service, keeping detailed records toinform the overarching research process.General To ensure the development, maintenance, and dissemination of thehighest professional standards of practice, through active participationin internal and external CPD training and development programmes To take part in regular professional supervision and appraisal andmaintaining an active engagement with current developments in thefield of clinical psychology and related disciplines. To maintain and promulgate the highest standards of clinical recordskeeping in accordance with professional codes of practice of the BritishPsychological Society and Trust policies and procedures. To maintain up to date knowledge of legislation, national and localpolicies, and issues in relation to both the specific client group andwider child psychologyThis job description is not exhaustive, but is intended to give an overall picture of the role. Other duties within the general scope of the post may be required from time to time. The duties of the post and job description can be reviewed through the agreed process