Band 3 Nursing Assistant
Renal Day Case
Do you have excellent customer care skills and enjoy working with the public?
Are you hard working and enjoy a challenge?
If so, a job as a Senior Nursing Assistant in the Oxford Kidney Unit might be just what you are looking for.
As a member of the team in this enhanced role support you will work closely with registered practitioners to deliver a high standard of care to patients, families and their carers in a safe and supportive environment without the need for direct supervision. To work as part of the wider team in developing and maintaining services provided to patients and contribute to the safe, efficient and smooth running of the ward/clinical area or department. This will be undertaken whilst maintaining the dignity and privacy of all patients and respect their right to confidentiality.Understand own level of responsibility, scope of practice and accountability and at all times act within own capabilities.
Main duties will consist of supporting the outpatient service for the team and will include supporting the clinic flow, taking basic measurements, meeting and greeting people who come to clinic, downloading technologies - training available and phlebotomy for the clinics again training can be given
This role involves working within outpatients to support the smooth running of clinics and the day case department.
The successful applicant will preferably have experience although full training will be provided. Experience working with people, excellent customer care skills and a desire to provide the highest quality service to our patients are essential. Venepuncture competency and completion of care certificate are essential to the role.
Undertake a range of delegated and specific clinical skills for patients that demonstrate an enhancedlevel of competency /technical expertise documented in the plan of care (see specific clinical skills).Prepare patients, families/carers and the environment for clinical activities supporting and reassuringpatients and their families/carers and preparing specific equipment as necessary.Monitor closely patients having undergone a clinical activity ensuring their safety, comfort and well being.
To assist all patients of all genders with their personal care needs, empowering patients, and/orfamilies/carers and actively encouraging participation. This may involve maintaining hygiene needsfor individuals such as helping patients to wash and dress themselves and assisting with toiletingneeds, maintaining privacy and dignity at all times.
To asses and monitor the patients skin integrity and to report and document immediately anychanges or concerns in their condition.
To demonstrate clinical competence in order to undertake minor dressings and treatment and asspecified in the plan of care and in consultation with the registered practitioner.
To actively encourage all patients, families/carers to share the responsibility for maintenance of theirhealth and to promote healthy living where appropriate and identified as part of the care plan.
Assist patients to mobilise safely taking account of developmental/physical needs, using equipmentand techniques as prescribed and recorded in plan of care and contribute to the falls and moving andhandling risk assessment.
Assist in the care of a patient requiring end of life care in accordance within their spiritual and culturalneeds.Recognise when a patients condition changes and seek advice and expertise from registeredpractitioners in accordance with Trust policy.
Contribute to, understand and report identified patient risk assessments, e.g. nutritional assessmentscores, slips, trips and falls assessment, e.g. Humpty Dumpty, use of medical devices as appropriatein line with Trust policy.
To perform clinical observations (following appropriate assessment of competence) accuratelyrecording using agreed electronic National Early Warning Systems such as SEND and report andescalate any concerns appropriately by reporting to the registered practitioner immediately.Participate in the initial assessment of patient needs under the direct supervision of a registeredpractitioner.
Seek support for self and others following an untoward incident.
Report and raise concerns in relation to poor practice, attitude and behaviour of any health careprofessional through appropriate channels.
Undertake patient transfer and escort duties between departments as appropriate and as per policy.
Venepuncture competency and completion of care certificate are essential to the role.