Help us build a new centre of excellence for colorectal cancer for Sussex patients.
This is an exciting opportunity to join the Trust's general and colorectal cancer surgical team, helping develop the model of surgical care for delivering high quality, timely colorectal cancer (CRC) surgery in a high-volume surgical site (Worthing Hospital - WH) and supporting excellent general and emergency surgical care at the Royal Sussex Count Hospital (RSCH), a Major Trauma Centre (MTC).
There are three posts, both offered as dual site roles based at WH for elective surgery as part of the newly created dedicated CRC team, and at the RSCH for emergency work. OPD and endoscopy (if relevant) will be offered at sites relevant to patient population. Roles will be key to supporting and enabling the development a single UHSussex-wide CRC service including a single MDT, unified waiting list, standardised care pathways and an integrated high quality patient experience. Key to this will be engaging with patients, safety reviews, facilitating a culture of listening, learning and continuous improvement.
As the new model of surgical care develops further substantive consultant posts will be needed and developed, alongside nursing, theatre and wider MDT posts.
Colorectal and general surgery - elective surgical work (general and cancer ) at WH. On call (including CEPOD, on call, acute admission) will be at RSCH site. As the combined team develops on call will be shared across WH and RSCH to a maximum of 1:8. The on call at RSCH will include major trauma attendance and consultant lead support to resident junior doctors.
Attendance at CRC MDT and supporting the work to develop the integrated service
Outpatient at Southlands Hospital (main site for new CRC OPD andpre-operative assessment hub). Endoscopy sessions can be offered at RSCH or PRH.
Detailed job description and main responsibilitiesThe clinical duties of the post include the following: Ensuring patient safety and governance is supported and delivered Supporting integration, development and delivery of and development of the elective colorectal cancer service at WH. Participating in the emergency General Surgery and major trauma service. Providing emergency general surgery in dedicated emergency theatre list Lead ward rounds of emergency surgical and major trauma patients Provide general surgical cover for major trauma patients Surgical Assessment Unit management as part of the acute admission team Elective outpatient clinics and relevant administration Elective theatre lists of general and sub-speciality (CRC at WH) Education and training for resident doctors and wider MDT
On call commitment: Initially the on call (out of hours, CEPOD acute admissions) will be predominately at RSCH site. This is currently 1:6 but will rapidly move to 1:8 with new appointments. This will include on call / major trauma support; CEPOD, and acute admissions / ward reviews. As the team develops the oncall for CRC will be blended with WH on call at a maximum 1:8.
Please see job description and person specs for full details