Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is looking to recruit an enthusiastic Locally Employed Trust Doctor in ENT (ST6-8 equivalent level) with experience in ENT on a fixed term basis to cover maternity leave.
The appointee will join a team of (when fully staffed), 8 full time Consultants, 2 part time consultants, 1 Specialist Surgeon, 2 Specialty Doctors, 3 Specialist Registrars, 7 ST1-2 trainees or a mix of ST and F2s to provide comprehensive elective and emergency services to South Yorkshire and North Nottinghamshire
The post holder will contribute to provision of emergency and elective activity at Doncaster Royal Infirmary (DRI). There will be a requirement to cover clinics independently at Doncaster Royal Infirmary, Montagu Hospital and Bassetlaw hospitals. It is expected that the post holder will have competency in all aspects of general ENT surgery
The duties will involve ward management of elective surgery patients, advice on in-patients under the care of other specialties on that site and assessment of emergency admissions/ A&E patients. The appointee will participate in a hot week system being on call 8am-5pm Monday to Friday one week in 6 when normal clinical activities are cancelled. When on call, the appointee and colleagues on the middle grade rota will provide on-site senior surgical opinion and decision making.
The out of hours on-call commitment (ie weekdays 5pm-9am and weekends) is non-resident and involves covering Rotherham General Hospital. On call is based on the DRI site and the candidate will cover as part of a 1:8 frequency. The contribution to the emergency rota at Doncaster will be predictable to facilitate maintenance of elective theatre and clinic commitments.