Hadwen and Quedgeley Primary Care Network is pleased to invite applicants for an exciting management role working within primary care in Gloucester City. The post-holder will provide operational support, strategic planning, and effective project delivery within the PCN.
We are looking for someone to join us on 20-25 hours per week, working across two Practices in Quedgeley and Abbeymead.
The PCN Business Manager will bring strong operational and people skills to the role and work alongside the existing PCN Management Team.
As a member of the PCNs management team you will offer support to colleagues in the PCNs member practices. Ideally you will have knowledge and experience from working in the NHS however, applications with strong skills from other organisations will be welcome.
You will have oversight of a number of projects and services committed to or commissioned by the PCN as well as responsibility for the management, resourcing and regulatory compliance of the work of the PCN. You will work closely with the PCNs Clinical Director and the management teams at both Practices, and be responsible for writing bid applications and completing relevant reports and templates.
The role includes regularly attending internal and external meetings, representing the PCN across different groups.
About us
Business Planning and PCN Strategy Development
- Lead the development of a PCN strategic plan
- Identify new income streams and new services for network practices
- Support the strategic development of new services and participate in their evaluation
- Apply for PCN development funds and resources to help the network achieve its objectives.
- Look at PCN development nationally and advise the Clinical Directors and member practices on initiatives, policy development, best practice and funding streams
- Chair PCN meetings
- Attend countywide PCN meetings
- Be a point of contact for the Clinical Directors, Network practices, screening communication,correspondence and attend meetings as required
- Work with member practices to build a network identity and promote its ethos and values
- Represent the network at meetings with the ICB and other partners
- Work with other PCN Managers and Clinical Directors within the county
- Encourage and foster effective working relationships between networks and within the ILP
Financial and contractual performance and financial reporting
Work alongside the member Practicesto:
- Track Income and expenditure
- Provide financial reports to the network practices.
- Monitor and track risks and issues. Work on proactive escalation and resolution
Bids and Contracts
- Review PCN service specifications and identify KPIs and key deliverables for practices
- Prepare and present Business Cases to the PCN practices
- Work with member practices to ensure that all obligations under the agreement are met and network practices are fairly and equitably remunerated.
- Oversee performance dashboards and supporting practices to implement remedial actions where needed.
- Represent the interests of the network at contract meetings with other bodies such as the ICB
- Present data to member practices, Clinical Directors and other stakeholders related to network performance
- Draft bid proposals and contract responses. Complete and sign MoUs.
- Maintain records to demonstrate performance against targets
- Act as Project Manager for existing and new projects
HR/Workforce planning
- Compile workforce returns as required by NHS E/ICB
- Lead on all PCN workforce planning and proposals for PCN
- Providing management support to Social Prescribing Link Workers and Care Coordinators
Communication and Engagement
- Maintain effective and timely communication with network practices, clinical directors and network employees
- Communicate with network practices, ICB and other stakeholders such as the wider ICT, Care Homes etc and promote the identity and ethos of the network
- Communicate effectively with patients and carers
- Be comfortable and competent at networking at all levels
- Apply professional standards
- Oversee alignment of digital options for service delivery across the PCN
This job description is intended to be a basic guide to the scope and the responsibilities of the post and is not exhaustive. There may be other duties required of the post holder commensurate with the position. It will be subject to regular review and amendments as necessary in consultation with the post holder.