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Write a very short cover letter in British English to Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust for the job below that I found on jobsincare.com
Highly Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist with Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust in Abbey Wood, Greenwich Borough
This post is a Team Lead for the School Years OTs in Greenwich. Key tasks include: To provide specialist Occupational Therapy assessment and intervention to children aged 0 - 18 years, within the borough of Greenwich, and act as a resource for their families and carers across all settings. To liaise closely with other services and agencies to provide a smooth coordinated service based on best practice To participate in service development and provide information on issues pertaining to specialist area on a regular basis To provide training and advice for families and carers across all settings on issues pertaining to Children's Occupational Therapy The senior leadership teams offer opportunities for collaborative working in developing new initiatives and research. For example, in the past they have previously funded additional OT time with the sensory processing coordinator and to develop pathways for students with sensory processing needs. We are a very proactive and supportive team and you will receive regular supervision and participate in monthly in service training opportunities and any external training as appropriate. There will also be the opportunity to support and supervise staff and students. Key Task and Responsibilities To perform a Highly Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapy role in the community with children who have complex difficulties with Occupational Performance due to physical, sensory, perceptual or developmental disability. To assess the functional needs of patients in order to develop and implement Highly Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapy treatment and intervention. To independently manage a defined caseload of complex cases with evidence of an excellent level of problem solving, reasoning skills and judgement. To write detailed reports and programmes reflecting extensive specialist knowledge. This will include writing NA2 reports to contribute to EHCPs and may include tribunal reports. To ensure that patients and carers are involved in the planning and prioritisation of care wherever possible. To monitor, evaluate and modify intervention using evidence based practice and outcome measures, to ensure the effectiveness of case management. To take account and act according to individual patient circumstance, giving due regard to cultural differences and diversity. To liaise and negotiate with others, e.g. Health Consultants, social workers, teachers, Education staff, G.P.s, as appropriate to facilitate effective case management. To demonstrate thorough knowledge and skills in dealing with complex and highly complex case management, using client centred principles and generation of strategies for effective caseload management. About us Key Task and Responsibilities Knowledge, training and experience Diploma or Degree in Occupational Therapy recognised for registration with the Health Professions Council (HPC) To ensure registration is maintained with the Health Professions Council (HPC) Minimum of 3 years post graduate experience as an Occupational Therapist to include 2 years Paediatric experience. Evidence of attendance to relevant Paediatric courses. This to include understanding of current evidenced based practice To comply with the College of Occupational Therapy code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Independently plan and implement specialist Occupational Therapy interventions and evaluate outcomes To be able to discuss the most appropriate intervention options, with clients and carers, which balance the complex interaction of risk, safety, client choice, independence, areas of conflict, eligibility for services and cost effectiveness To have an extensive knowledge of Paediatric equipment and able to recommend to clients/carers and others including education staff, appropriate equipment, such as seating, bathing, toileting equipment and/or upper limb orthotics. Teaching and demonstrating use of the equipment to others, including education staff, or demonstration of techniques, which facilitate improved functional performance, handling or positioning for a patient. To comply with responsibilities in line with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure a safe environment is maintained for patients, visitors and employees To demonstrate ongoing professional development through participation in internal, external and mandatory development opportunities, including attendance to special interest groups, specialist short courses and advance training in clinical specialist area. Freedom to act Manages a highly complex caseload working independently, accessing appraisal and Personal Performance review at regular intervals and participates in the PCTs appraisal process To provide leadership within appropriate specialist skill area to other team member Physical effort To comply with moving and handling legislation and related policies to ensure personal safety and that of patients/carers, when moving and positioning patients in specialist equipment, for example wheelchairs, hoists and personal care equipment. To use physical positioning/handling to facilitate therapeutic techniques and interventions as part of a patients care plan and treatment activities To adapt specialist equipment to optimise a patients functional ability and independence, for example changes to seating and orthotics, as appropriate. Mental effort To manage self and be flexible to the demands of the community environment including unpredictable work patterns, deadlines, interruptions and demands. To maintain intense concentration in all aspects of case management for prolonged periods. Emotional effort Able to manage the emotional consequences of working in distressing conditions and seek appropriate support where necessary To demonstrate ability to manage children and families with challenging behaviours and implement appropriate management strategies Working conditions To work independently in a variety of community settings including patients own homes, education environments and work environments of a variety of agencies. Observing local guidance for personal safety, diversity, personal identification and health and safety as appropriate Management responsibilities Analytical and judgemental skills To demonstrate skills in functional/occupational analysis and risk evaluation leading to the formulation of intervention plans which provide strategies to support the potential for personal independence for children who have a disability and/or chronic condition Planning and organisational skills To comply and remain up to date with all legislation and organisational policies and procedures related to the Occupational Therapy practice environment To manage own workload, time management and transport needs in line with Trust and departmental guidelines and demonstrates an ability to prioritise tasks. To undertake any appropriate additional duties as required by the Occupational Therapy manager. Policy/service development/implementation To assist and support the Occupational Therapy manager and use specialist knowledge to lead the development of team objectives or projects in liaison with peers and other agencies. To provide information to the Occupational Therapy manager on departmental issues affecting service delivery, for example areas of unmet need, gaps in service and service pressures. To take the lead in the development of policies and protocols as negotiated with the clinical team manager Financial and physical resources To be responsible for the security and care of departmental equipment, ensuring compliance with procedures for infection control, safe handling and storage. Human resources To supervise Occupational Therapy students on clinical placement, assess and mark their written, oral and practical skills in accordance with their University guidelines. To supervise and support Occupational Therapy assistants as required by the Occupational Therapy manager. To provide regular specialist training to others in area of clinical expertise Information resources To maintain up to date, accurate and comprehensive written and electronic records, including case notes, in line with trust policies and College of Occupational Therapy professional standards To prepare time bound reports for Statutory Assessment of Special Education need in compliance with the 1993 Education Act. To share information with others observing guidelines related to Confidentiality, Data Protection, Caldicott and the College of Occupational Therapy professional guidelines Leadership This post is accountable to the Occupational Therapy Manager and head of Therapies and Integration. To supervise Occupational Therapy students on clinical placement, assess and mark their written, oral and practical skills in accordance with their University guidelines. To take the lead for induction of new clinical staff in the service area as required by the Occupational Therapy manager. To provide regular specialist training to others in area of clinical expertise Research Takes a delegated lead in clinical governance/audit projects within service area Initiates evaluation procedures which ensure qualitative and quantitively assessment of projects and strategies in a transparent manner as required in area of expertise as negotiated with the Clinical Team manager. Communication To use reasoning, communication and negotiation skills to establish a therapeutic relationship in complex cases, managing barriers to communication. To demonstrate and instruct patients/carers and education staff in the implementation of therapy programmes and correct use of specialist equipment including those for seating, bathing, toileting and for upper limb orthotics To demonstrate negotiation skills in the management of conflict across a range of situations, dealing with complaints sensitively, avoiding escalation where possible and giving feedback to clinical team manager Confidentiality The Post holder must maintain the confidentiality of information about patients, staff and other health service business in accordance with Trust Policy.