To provide evidence based occupational therapy assessment and interventions, on an individual and group basis, for people with complex mental health needs.
To work as a member of an adult inpatient multidisciplinary team and provide occupational therapy input, advice and expertise for MDT case formulations, care/therapy planning and to facilitate effective discharge..
To supervise support staff and develop inpatient and community interventions enabling service users to develop independent living skills and work towards individual recovery and vocational goals.
To develop links with statutory and voluntary sector community resources and ensure that ongoing occupational needs are addressed as part of a safe effective discharge process
1. To demonstrate excellence in clinical practice through assessment, treatment and evaluation of group activities and individual programmes of care.
2. To take a lead in the development of a programme of inpatient group activities in line with current evidence based occupational therapy practice.
3. To supervise support staff in implementing group and individual interventions in inpatient and community settings.
4. To liaise with a range of external partners to enable service users to access resources in the wider community including leisure, educational and vocational opportunities.
5. To promote service user and carer involvement in all aspects of service user care.
6. To assess and prescribe small aids and equipment and recommend adaptations to maximise independence for service users in home and community environments.
7. Ensure thorough documentation of treatment in multi-professional notes in line with CPA requirements and Royal College of Occupational Therapists Professional Standards.
8. To undertake regular evaluation of group interventions to ensure a balanced and needs led programme of activities.
Please view the attached job description and person specification to view the full details about the role