Acute Trust Case Manager inWeston Super mare inWeston Super mare PUBLISHED TUE 12 NOV 2024

The Acute Trust Case Manager role at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust in Weston Super Mare is focused on facilitating timely and safe patient discharges from the hospital. Case Managers work closely with a range of professionals in the Transfer of Care Hub, including social workers and community therapists, to coordinate discharge plans and manage complex cases. Ideal candidates are Registered Nurses or Allied Health Professionals tasked with handling a designated caseload, conducting assessments, and ensuring compliance with national policies while involving patients and their families throughout the discharge process.

In addition to patient management, the role includes providing support and line management to patient flow coordinators to enhance collaborative relationships within ward teams. The position emphasises the importance of effective communication and teamwork to ensure patients receive the appropriate care needed for a smooth transition from hospital to home or other care settings.

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