Locum Consultant in AnaesthesiainLondoninLondonPUBLISHED WED 23 OCT 2024

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is looking to recruit two locum Consultant Anaesthetists for Charing Cross Hospital in London. The roles involve providing comprehensive clinical services in anaesthesia and perioperative care for adult patients, which includes working in theatres and conducting pre-operative assessments. The position requires a commitment to an on-call rota of 1:15 and encompasses a total of 10 programmed activities per week, split between direct clinical care and supporting professional activities. Applicants should be on the Specialist Register with a CCT in Anaesthesia or within six months of obtaining it, and they will participate in a flexible workload across various surgical specialties and settings.

The successful candidates will join a busy anaesthesia department that caters to a wide range of surgical subspecialties such as neurosurgery, complex colorectal surgery, and major urology. The role offers opportunities for involvement in research, teaching, clinical governance, and quality improvement initiatives. The ideal candidates will demonstrate significant experience in areas such as neuro-anaesthesia, robotic surgery, and perioperative medicine, ensuring high standards of care in a dynamic hospital environment.


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