Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) support children, young people and their families that have links to identified school settings. Each designated MHST will work in collaboration with schools and other agencies who cover a population of up to 7,000 children and young people.Trailblazer sites were established in Kent in 2, with the service aim to cover 50% of the schools across Kent and Medway by 2026. It is expected that this will increase early access to services and offer greater preventative provision.
We also work with our schools to support their development of a Whole School Approach (WSA) to emotional wellbeing and mental heath as well as their development of curriculum content to ensure pupils are taught about mental health in the classroom.
Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust
We have vacancies in different parts of the county.
You will be able to make your preference at interview
Kent Emotional Wellbeing Team and Medway Emotional Support Team
Information for school staff, families and professionals to find out more about the services the Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams provide.
Kent Emotional Wellbeing Team and Medway Emotional Support Team | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust
(Please see Job Description for more details)
We hope successful candidates will come with a passion for participation and service development as we have a number of research and co-production projects we are working on. It is also the aspiration that successful candidates will be keen to develop their skills further to consider their exciting career prospects within MHST services.
We are looking for Qualified Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP) to join the teams and work with us to develop the service further and ensure we meet the core components;
**(if you are about to qualify from an EMHP course please apply as posts can be held for successful applicants)
Our senior Clinical Team are passionate about the careers of EMHP's and we have exciting CPD program happening in service and are working closely with Health Education England (HEE) and NHS England to look at the career pathways of this new work force.
We have good working relationships with University of Surrey and Kings Collage London and are looking at developing our staff to progress into senior positions and consider senior EMHP training opportunities and supervisor training.