We are looking for an enthusiastic dynamic individual to join our team of twelve consultants. The successful applicant will help to support and expand the current comprehensive services provided. You will be expected to help deliver high quality Urological care to the people of Plymouth and surrounding areas from our tertiary referral centre of excellence, and to help maintain our ability to achieve national targets in this large University teaching hospital in the Southwest of England.
All subspecialisations will be considered, however an ability to support our functional and reconstructive urology team and/or experience in modern bladder outflow obstruction techniques will be regarded favourably.
The Urology and paediatric Urology service is managed within the Surgical Care group. The Service Line Directors (Mr Paul Hunter-Campbell and Mr Richard Pearcy) have been in post for five years and represent the Service Line at senior management level. There is a full-time Service Line Cluster Manager and a Support Manager. All consultants meet monthly for a Business Meeting to which all members are invited.
The post holder will interact with members of the medical teams and nursing staff, and also with all other hospital staff associated with the care of patients. He / she will also be a member of the directorate interacting with colleagues and trainees.
The post holder will be managerially responsible to the Clinical Director, and professionally responsible to the Medical Director.
The employer is Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust. The job plan is based on a full-time appointment.
This consultant will be involved in all aspects of urological care and expected to participate within the current team based working approach.
The successful candidate will be expected develop sub specialisations which fit with the needs of the department and may include functional, reconstructive and/or bladder outflow obstruction surgery.
The successful candidate will support the existing urologists in provision of out-patient clinics.
The appointee will be involved in the 1:11 on call Urology rota. The new consultant will be expected to take part in the Specialty Registrar training programme; the MRCS training programme for CTs and take part in teaching and training of Foundation doctors, specialist nurses, medical undergraduates and General Practitioners. The new consultant will also be involved as a clinical supervisor for all the urological trainees.
The new consultant will have an office on Level 7 in Derriford Hospital shared with other Urology consultants and secretarial staff.
A commitment to audit and to the development of clinical governance will be expected as well as participation in the regular MDT meetings as appropriate.
There are always substantial numbers of medical students from both Plymouth and Exeter Universities. Plymouth University Medical School has seen expansion of student numbers over the last two years. There is regular urological undergraduate teaching to third- and fifth-year students which include six-week ward attachment in their final year. In addition, a special study unit in the third year is also provided.
Derriford Hospital has a strong tradition and culture of teaching and training. There are trainees in all grades from undergraduate students to senior SpRs. Continuous surgical education is provided at CT level by designated training one day per month. Sub regional basic surgical skills courses are run approximately three times a year from a dedicated skills teaching unit. HST urology education is maintained by a regional training course, local journal club meetings, combined medical, radiological meetings etc., which are aimed at preparation for the intercollegiate examination.
The links with Plymouth University, via the Postgraduate Medical School, are strong. Many of the Urology consultants hold senior posts within the training umbrella. Consultants often provide input into University training courses, including nursing and other paramedical professions. The University of Plymouth and Derriford Hospital have a wealth of experience in the provision of telemedicine by way of providing remote medical care to the British Antarctic Survey Medical Unit based at Derriford.