Job Summary - The post holder will be responsible for:
Proactively and positively contributing to the successful overall performance of the Trust.
Providing specialist expertise and delegated from the Chief Executive via the Chief Medical Officer, have legal and corporate responsibility across the Trust for Medicines Optimisation.
Complying with corporate governance structures in keeping with the principles and standards set out by the Trust. This will include ensuring that the Trust complies with all national and local governance requirements and exceeds minimum standards identified by the CQC and MHRA.
Managing the operational and financial performance of the Pharmacy Directorate in order to achieve agreed performance standards and service targets; the development of strategic and business plans for the directorate; budgetary and staff management, the establishment of effective information and communication systems to support the service
Delivering high-quality, cost-effective care to patients in accordance with the requirement of the Trust and its commissioners.
Developing effective ways of working and creating strong partnerships and relationships with all stakeholders to support the implementation of national, regional and local service priorities.
Supporting the organisational culture that fosters collaborative working among all staff groups, to ensure a focused commitment to delivering quality improvement and outcomes.
Proactively, meaningfully and consistently demonstrating the Trust Values in every day practice, decision making and interactions with patients and colleagues.
Providing professional advice on all pharmaceutical matters to the Trust Board, senior managers and prescribers, in particular concerning medicines safety, medicines management, budgetary control, pharmacy practice, quality assurance, risk management and clinical governance.
Complying with corporate governance structures in keeping with the principles and standards set out by the Trust. This will include ensuring that the Trust complies with all national and local governance pharmacy department requirements and exceeds minimum standards identified by GPhC, RPS and MHRA. This includes acting as the Superintendent Pharmacist in accordance with GPhC requirements for registered premises, taking an active role in the process for applying for Employer licences under IR(ME)R, which are required in order to legally administer radiopharmaceuticals to patients and ensuring there is a pharmacist with responsibility for homecare services.
Establishing and agreeing the Medicines Optimisation policy for WAH NHS Trust; supporting the work of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Medicines and Prescribing sub-Committee and acting as deputy chair for the Medicines Safety Committee to ensure control of the introduction and use of medicines (including medical gases), consistent guidelines for their use, policy for safe handling of medicines and control of medicines expenditure. The post holder will also be responsible for leading on the development of appropriate reporting structures for medicines management within the Trust, ensuring that the board has all relevant information to ensure compliance with national standards and safety.
Communicating policy agreed by the relevant Trust approved committees to the body of prescribers and other relevant staff within the Trust.
Corporate responsibility for delivering the medicine optimisation component of clinical governance within the Trust, including standards for the CQC and clinical governance of pharmacy services, working with colleagues in other disciplines and Trust structures (see organisational chart).
Providing routine and ad hoc information, to the Chief Medical Officer on the development of medicines optimisation systems with the Trust and to the Chief Finance Officer on the financial aspects of medicines management within the Trust including horizon scanning.
Ensuring systems are in place for monitoring and reporting on medicines expenditure for the divisions and clinical directorates, and the timely provision of advice on the safe, rational and economic use of medicines, including guidance on potential for productivity and efficiency savings opportunities.
Ensuring that all those involved in the medicines use process, from prescribers to patients and carers have ready access to appropriate information on all aspects of the use of medicines.
Ensuring clinical trials involving medicines with the Trust are fully compliant with currently accepted best practice, research governance and European directives.
Undertake the role of Accountable Officer for Controlled Drugs on behalf of WAH NHS Trust.
Complying with the Trust's practices and procedures associated with the control of infection.
Leading the strategic, operational and professional development of pharmaceutical services to WAH NHS Trust to ensure that services develop in line with the strategic requirements of the Trust, the Department of Health and other national guidance.
Preparing, agreeing and implementing pharmacy plans, including service/business plans, medicines optimisation, staff development, quality assurance/risk management and clinical governance plans to ensure that resources are sufficient and services meet the operation requirement of the Trust and their clinical services.
Planning the capital redevelopment of premises, equipment or IT systems used by pharmacy services to ensure that premises and equipment, including IT and future robotics systems meet current statutory and advisory requirements.
Advising the Divisional Directors and Managers and other relevant senior Trust staff of the impact of the strategic plans of other services, where there are implications either for the pharmacy service or the Trust Medicines Optimisation agenda.
Providing professional leadership to the pharmacy service to ensure that it meets all statutory obligations.
Delivery through the senior pharmacy team the active management of pharmacy services, making optimal use of all resources available and implementing service improvements.
Plan monitor and deliver year on year efficiency savings from pharmacy budgets and support other divisions to deliver efficiency savings.
Providing professional leadership to pharmacy staff, including pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to ensure compliance with the GPhC Standards and guidance for pharmacy professionals and their personal development and development of their roles for the benefit of patients.
Accountability for the financial management of all aspects of pharmacy services, including pharmacy pay, non-pay budgets and Trust funds to ensure that they remain within agreed resources. This includes pro-actively supporting the Trust CPIPs to ensure that agreed financial targets are achieved. The post holder will also be accountable for the procurement, storage distribution of medicines to ensure best value for money, identifying cost pressures and advising management on how they should be managed.
Planning the recruitment, development and deployment of pharmacy staff to ensure they are adequately experienced, skilled and deployed to ensure safe systems of work and to meet the needs of the service and service users for the future.
The development and implementation of policies, clinical governance and quality assurance for pharmaceutical services, Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Distribution Practice (wholesaler dealing), CQC standards and other medicines optimisation standards.
Ensuring systems are in place for dealing with serious incidents, medicines recalls, medicines shortages alerts, medicines related National Patient Safety Alerts and complaints, risk management associated with medicines and health and safety of staff dealing with medicine and working within pharmacy services.
Ensuring that timely, consistent pharmaceutical advice is provided by senior pharmacy leads to Divisional and Directorate Managers and Trust Executive Officers. Promoting the development of pharmacy services through creating an environment for research and development and audit concerning pharmacy services and medicines optimisation. Securing funds to support research and clinical trials, and develop and R&D programme that underpins Trust objectives.
Ensuring they have a detailed understanding of how the pharmacy service operates to ensure that they can competently translate Trust service changes and development into impact on pharmacy services, advocating on behalf of the pharmacy department as necessary. This will require appropriate intelligence gathering from the senior pharmacy team and departmental staff prior to key meetings or events and robust feedback on actions required from such meetings to the senior pharmacy team in a timely manner.
**Please see the full Job Description for more details**
The post of Associate Director for Medicines Optimisation has corporate authority, delegated from the Chief Medical Officer, and is directly responsible for all aspects of medicines optimisation and management of risks associated with medicines across the Trust. This includes compliance with associated national standards e.g. Care Quality Commission (CQC), Medicines Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC); and the delivery of all contractual requirements relating to medicines identified by the Commissioners. The role has definitive responsibility for the safe use of medicines across the Trust and ensuring there are appropriate systems and accountable structures in place to provide board level assurance on all safety and statutory requirements. The post will report directly to the Chief Medical Officer in relation to this corporate role.
The post holder will hold corporate responsibility for provision of strategic, clinical and professional leadership on the safe, effective and cost effective use of medicines and pharmacy services with regular reports to the Trust board. They will also take on the role as the Trusts Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer (CDAO) reporting directly to the Chief Medical Officer for this role.
**Please see the attached Job Description for full details**
Improving Diversity and Inclusive Recruitment:
As part of the Trust's aim to improve diversity across the Trust, positive action is being taken and all applications for this post from BAME, Disabled and LGBT+ candidates can request to be considered under an expanded Guaranteed Interview Scheme if they meet the minimum criteria as specified in the person specification for this role.
Applicants will be prompted in the application form to declare if they wish to be considered under this expanded Guaranteed Interview Scheme, and their response would be visible to the Shortlisting Panel.
If you have any queries about expanded Guaranteed Interview Scheme, please contact Rob Saunders (HR Manager - Recruitment) in confidence via email