A full time / part-time post as a Clinical Fellow in Advanced Pain management is available at Oxford University Hospitals. This post is aimed at suitably qualified anaesthetists.
We are delighted to advertise a twelve-month clinical Fellowship in Advanced Pain Management suitable to meet the RCOA 2021 curriculum requirements for the Special Interest Area in Pain Medicine. This post is an exciting opportunity for a post-CCT anaesthetist or a senior anaesthetic registrar to join our team and develop their advanced pain management skills. We pride ourselves in training excellence and have received excellent feedback from our previous Fellows.
We are seeking an exceptional individual to join the Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics for this one-year Pain Medicine Fellowship. This unique fellowship is highly structured, combining didactic, clinical audit and research components. The Fellow will be allowed the flexibility to mould the programme to their specific requirements. The Fellow will be provided with an outstanding opportunity to manage complex pain management cases, and to acquire the requisite knowledge and skills for independent pain medicine practice.
Training in advanced pain medicine, progressing from direct supervision to mentored support. We train our Fellows to the level of independent consultant practice.
Directly supervised clinics within the OPMC will be available for Fellows to review and assess new patients following a biopsychosocial model and multidisciplinary format in order to deliver holistic care.
Training will include exposure to assessment of patients with pain in complex scenarios including with psychological distress.
This post provides exposure to leading in-patient acute pain rounds.
Access to combined multidisciplinary chronic pain assessment clinics is available.
Directly consultant supervised interventional procedure lists are available for the Fellow to gain the requisite skills needed for advanced interventional pain management procedures in musculoskeletal blocks, peripheral nerve blocks and neuraxial blocks. Training will include radiofrequency, fluoroscopic and ultrasound guided techniques.
The fellow will be expected to attend the Optimise pain management programme and gain insight into the structure and function of the multidisciplinary pain management programme.
Clinical exposure to other departments with interests in pain management as detailed above.
Support and training such that FFPMRCA exam can be entered.
Refer the attached the Job description for more details
Other clinical responsibilities
Cross-site working to provide anaesthesia for a wide range of specialties at the level of senior registrar
Cross-site out-of-hours responsibility for anaesthesia and intensive care on the ST6+ rota.
The Fellow will be a member of the ST6-7 on-call group covering general duties. The on call frequency is expected 1:8 to 1:10.
See the detailed Job Description for more details.